abbr.taking care of business 照顾事业

n.Trusted Computing Base简称TCB可信计算基

  • This study investigated the adsorption characteristics of the MWNTs & MWNTs / TiO2 on TCB removal from water .

    本论文对MWNTs及MWNTs/TiO2复合材料去除水中 TCB吸附特性进行了研究。

  • The results showed that the seed germination rate and germination exponential of rice were not obviously influenced by TCB but the seedling biomass reduced with the increase of TCB concentration .

    结果表明, 1对水稻种子发芽率和发芽指数无明显影响,但降低幼苗的生物量。

  • Trusted Computing Base is an install-time option only and to enable TCB on an existing AIX machine you need to reinstall the entire AIX operating system .

    可信计算基础只是一个安装时选项,并且若要在现有的AIX计算机上启用 TCB,您需要重新安装整个AIX操作系统。

  • The part of the result set that concerns index usage is in the TCB Index Stats section .

    与索引使用相关的结果集部分包含在 TCBIndexStats部分中。

  • The TCB table stores the control values for each active TCP connection .


  • Allows TCB enabled systems to be migrated with nimadm .

    允许使用nimadm迁移支持 TCB的系统。

  • The complexity analysis reveals that the total complexity per binary ( TCB ) increases linearly with the increase of either the user number or the stage number .

    算法复杂度分析表明:OEH-PIC 检测器的每二进位 时间复杂度( TCB)与系统中的用户数和 检测器的级数都成线性关系,具有可 实现性。

  • Conclusion : Vaginal spontaneous labour can decrease newborn 's TCB .

    结论阴道自然分娩能降低新生儿 生理 黄疸 指数

  • Row were observed in early neonatal meconium time turn yellow time jaundice time fade time and the value of transcutaneous bilirubin ( TCB ) .

    观察两组新生儿胎粪初排时间、转黄时间、黄疸出现消退时间以及经皮 胆红素值。

  • The Trusted Execution environment is the advanced security feature of IBM AIX V6.1 which provides the following advantages over TCB

    可信执行环境是IBMAIXV6.1的高级安全功能,相对于 TCB提供了以下优点

  • The results suggest that TCB and NAP at a low content in the irrigation water would significantly influence the growth of rice seedlings .

    研究结果暗示,灌溉水中 微量 TCB和NAP均会明显影响水稻幼苗的生长。

  • The value of TCB in observation'group were lower than the control group in addition to the first day outside .

    经皮 胆红素测定值除第一天外,观察组新生儿胆红素值均低于对照组。

  • 1 - TCB HQ and H2O2 have no significant difference with the negative control group .

    1,2,4一 TcBl,4一HQ各剂量组及HZO:组 慧星 长度 慧星 细胞 百分率与阴性对照组比较均无显著性差异。

  • These are used to calculate burnup of a Tokamak commercial hybrid reactor ( TCB ) .

    应用该程序完成了托卡马克商用混合堆( TCB概念 设计的燃耗计算。

  • Fv / Fm and Fv / Fo of the two wheat varieties leaves were not changed remarkably qP and qNP went up as a whole under TCB stress .


  • In addition hydrophobic interactions between the MWNTs and the TCB also affect the adsorption .

    此外MWNTs与 TCB之间的疏水性吸附作用也影响了吸附 进程

  • Both TCB and NAP delayed the heading date of rice .

    两种 有机 污染物引起水稻抽穗期延迟。

  • The survival percentage of rice seedlings was significantly reduced by TCB which was the main reason for the decrease of the grain yield while NAP had little effect .

    TCB明显降低 个水稻品种的移栽成活率,这是导致产量明显降低的主要原因;NAP对水稻移栽成活率影响较小。

  • Linear or TCB Controller

    线性或 TCB控制器

  • Effects of different 1 ( TCB ) concentrations on membrane lipid peroxidation in soybean hypocotyls were studied with pot culture experiment .

    以盆栽法研究了不同浓度1三氯苯( TCB)胁迫对大豆下胚轴膜脂过氧化作用的影响。

  • The effects of 1 ( TCB ) and naphthalene ( NAP ) on photosynthetic characteristics of rice leaves were studied .

    研究了1三氯苯( TCB)和萘(NAP)对抽穗期水稻叶片光合特性的影响。

  • With the surfactant concentration increased the molecules covered on the external surface of MWNTs hindered the adsorption for the TCB on MWNTs .

    随表面活性剂浓度的增大,覆盖在MWNTs表面的表面活性剂分子越多,阻碍了MWNTs对 TCB的吸附。

  • Trusted Execution supports the run-time integrity check whenever any command is executed whereas the TCB mostly does the periodic checking of system integrity .

    可信执行支持在每当执行任何命令的时候执行运行时完整性检查,而 TCB主要执行定期的系统完整性检查。

  • Conclusion Determination of cord bilirubin and dynamic testing of TcB could predict neonate hyperbilirubinemia in early stages and provide solid evidence for early diagnosis and treatment .

    结论脐血胆红素浓度测定和动态监测 TcB能早期预测新生儿高胆红素血症,为早期诊断和治疗提供可靠依据。

  • Each additional instance of a message flow is implemented as an operating system thread on Windows and UNIX or as a Task Control Block ( TCB ) on z / OS .

    在Windows和UNIX中,消息流程的每个另外的实例被实现为操作系统线程,在z/OS中,它被实现为任务控制块( Task Control BlockTCB)。

  • The TCB of a system is the set of all components that are critical to its security .

    一个系统的 TCB是对该系统安全性很关键的所有安全组件的集合。

  • Within the servant region the worker thread ( TCB ) will be running with the service class of the enclave representing the requests .

    在该服务区域中,工作线程( TCB)将使用表示请求的Enclave的服务分类运行。