tetrad effect

[ˈtɛtˌræd ɪˈfɛkt][ˈtetˌræd iˈfekt]


  • Stability of the complexes shows the Tetrad effect .

    配合物稳定性呈 分组 效应

  • Tetrad effect of REE in apatites from pegmatite No.3 Altay Xijiang and its implications

    新疆阿尔泰可可托海3号伟晶岩脉磷灰石矿物中稀土元素 分组 效应及其意义

  • In this paper the fine structure of the distribution model of REE in Karst deposits-the tetrad effect and its meaning are discussed .

    本文阐述喀斯特沉积物中稀土分布模式的精细结构&稀土 效应特征及其研究意义。

  • A study on the tetrad effect of lanthanide by stoichimetric displacement model of retention

    用计量置换模型研究镧系元素 素组 效应

  • Different levels of Pi had no significant effects on the tetrad effect of MRE but it notable increased the enrichment of HREE in wheat leaves .

    不同Pi处理对 效应无明显作用,但进一步加强HREE在小麦叶片中的富集。