texture coding


  • Fractal Feature of Texture Characteristic Coding for Hyperspectral Images

    高光谱影像 纹理特征 编码分形特征研究

  • Iris recognition comprises some kernel processes as iris positioning texture feature extraction coding and recognition .

    虹膜识别通常包含虹膜定位、 特征提取以及 编码和识别几个关键步骤。

  • Based on the motion information of the texture video this paper proposes a new depth map coding algorithm .

    为此,本文提出一种基于 纹理图像运动信息的深度图像 编码方法。

  • This paper discusses the coding technology of video combines structure of MPEG-4 based on object and content including of shape information coding motion information coding texture information coding and time-space scalable coding . Finally discussed the technological advantage of MPEG-4 .

    结合MPEG-4的结构讨论基于对象和内容的视频编码技术,其中包括:形状信息编码、运动信息编码、 纹理 编码和时间空间分级编码,最后讨论MPEG-4的技术优势。

  • Taking the Brownian dimension as their texture feature image blocks were clustered and sorted to control the number of domain blocks to be compared with each range block in coding .

    以图像的布朗维数为 纹理特征对 编码中的图像块进行聚类和排序,实现了对每个值域块所需比较定义域块数目的精确控制。

  • The new standard MPEG 4 not only has the excellent compression impact on the motion video but also defines Visual Texture Coding which is used for the compression of still image .

    新一代的国际标准MPEG-4不仅对运动视频有着很好的压缩效果,而且定义了压缩静止图像的部分&visual texture coding(VTC)。

  • Image Texture Extraction and Retrieval Based on Block Truncation Coding

    基于方块 编码的图像 纹理 特征提取及检索算法

  • The texture coding method of multispectral data based on spectral similarity

    基于光谱相似性的多光谱数据 纹理 编码算法研究

  • A Information Hiding Algorithm Based on MPEG-4 Texture Coding Scheme

    一种基于MPEG-4 纹理 编码原理的信息隐藏算法

  • The project compresses the segmented human being and background in term of different compression rate with texture coding technology of arbitrary shape object .

    利用任意形状对象 纹理 编码技术,对分割出来的人体和背景部分按照不同的压缩比进行压缩。

  • Experimental results indicate that the work has increased the compresion efficiency of contour texture coding and facilitated its implementation .

    结果表明,本研究工作提高了轮廓 纹理 编码的压缩能力,简化了其实现难度。

  • Application Of Texture Image Segmentation Based on the Space Coding

    稀疏 编码在图像 纹理分割中的应用研究

  • In order to overcome the shortcoming it is difficult to find the most similar domain block for texture abundance range block in the quadtree fractal coding a hybrid image coding method based on the quadtree fractal is proposed in the paper .

    为克服四叉树分形 编码 纹理 信息丰富的图像块较难找到满足要求相似块的不足,在四叉树分形图像编码的基础上,提出了一种与BTC方法结合的混合分形编码方法。

  • An Implement of Visual Texture Coding in MPEG-4

    MPEG-4中的静止 纹理 物体 编码

  • This paper discusses and analyzes texture coding and motion compensation tools of the MPEG-4 video especially on the one dimension DCT algorithm MVFAST and PMVFAST motion prediction algorithms .

    本文研究分析了MPEG-4视频的 纹理 编码、运动估计和运动编码,对一维快速DCT算法、MVFAST和PMVFAST运动搜索算法进行深入研究。

  • In this paper Texture Feature Coding Method is used to extract the texture feature of images of different stages and then the texture feature is inputted to train Radial Basis Function Neural Network .

    该方法利用 纹理特征 编码提取各阶段图像的3维纹理特征,并输入到径向基函数神经网络训练学习。

  • Texture Characteristic Coding Based on Multispectral Image

    多光谱影像 纹理特征 编码的算法研究

  • As the traditional methods of texture extraction can not be adapted to multispectral and hyperspectral data this paper presents a coding method of multispectral and hyperspectral data based on spectral similarity .

    基于多光谱 纹理 映射模式概念,提出了基于光谱数据相似性的多光谱、高光谱数据的 编码方法。

  • In texture coding part the Loeffler algorithm is improved ;

    纹理 编码中,采用改进的Loeffler算法进行一维DCT快速变换。

  • Identity recognition technique based on iris texture coding

    虹膜 纹理 编码身份识别技术

  • Researches have been done to expose the efficiency of 2D Gabor filtering in edge detection texture analysis image coding and restoration and motion measurement .

    研究表明2D-Gabor滤波器能有效地应用于边缘检测、 纹理分析、图象 编码及增强等场合。

  • For this reason the work is completed as follows : Firstly the key technology of MPEG-4 is analyzed and researched in details including motion estimation texture coding and so on .

    基于此因素,本文主要完成的工作如下:首先,对MPEG-4视频编码中的关键技术(包括运动估计、 纹理 编码等技术)进行了详细分析和研究。

  • First Dense SIFT descriptors are used to capture the texture of face images . Then the sparse representation is used to coding the original features to a learned dictionary .

    先使用DenseSIFT描述子来提取人脸图像的 纹理 信息,然后利用稀疏表示方法将提取的DenseSIFT特征 编码成一个已学习到的字典上的稀疏表示。

  • This algorithm is similar to the motion search in video and finds the texture coding redundancy .

    这个算法与视频中的运动搜索相似,并且找到了 纹理 编码中的冗余。