


  • The content of protein leads the high and high calcium in the food of day for day the low phosphorus day food vitamin of food or high calcium 's lack the drug chronic thallotoxicosis some infectious diseases and other some factors can cause this disease .

    日粮中蛋白质含量过高、高钙日粮或高钙低磷日粮、维生素缺乏、药物慢性 中毒、某些传染病及其它若干因素都可引发本病。

  • The arsenic mercury and alcohol tetracycline and erythromycin equalizes enzymology material thallotoxicosis can also cause diarrhea .

    砷、汞、酒精、四环素、红霉素 化学物质 中毒,也可引起腹泻。