


  • Because it includes toxic constituent - tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) and cannabidiol ( CBD ) it has been juxtaposed with heroin and cocaine one of three main narcotics by the pact of banning drug of United Nations .

    但因其含有毒性成分& 大麻 (THC)和大麻二醇(CBD),已被联合国禁毒公约列为与海洛因、可卡因并列的三大毒品之一。

  • The basic and clinical pharmacokinetic research data of tetrahydrocannabinol in recent years were reviewed .

    综述了近年 来四 大麻 的基础和临床药代动力学研究资料。

  • Detection of Abuse Drugs in Human Hair ⅲ . Tetrahydrocannabinol

    头发中滥用药物的检测(三) 大麻

  • The active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) makes up10-15 % of hashish .

    其中的有效成分 大麻 (THC)占哈希什的10~15%。

  • Research on the Legal Questions of THC Advance in pharmacokinetics of tetrahydrocannabinol

    THC法律问题研究 大麻 的药代动力学研究进展

  • One of the important method to synthesize novel analgesic drug is giving chemical decoration to tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) which is the primary compoment of cannabis .

    对大麻主要活性成分 大麻 (THC)进行化学修饰是合成新型镇痛药物的重要途径之一。