


  • Effect of tetrandrine on mediators of inflammation in rats with acute lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide

    防己 对大肠杆菌脂多糖所致急性肺损伤大鼠炎症介质的影响

  • Conclusions Tetrandrine is a wide-range calcium antagonist of plant origin .

    结论 是一种植物性广谱钙离子拮抗剂。

  • Therapeutic Effect of Tetrandrine on Ulcerative Colitis Rats

    防己 对溃疡性结肠炎大鼠治疗作用的观察

  • Reversal effect of oxymatrine and tetrandrine on multidrug resistance in HNE-1 ( 200 ) cell line Pharmacokinetics of fangchinoline and tetrandrine in rats

    氧化苦参碱和 防己 对鼻咽癌耐药细胞株的耐药逆转作用小续命汤有效成分组中 防己诺林碱和粉防己碱在大鼠体内药动学研究

  • Experimental Study on Tetrandrine Monomer Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis

    防己 单体治疗重症急性胰腺炎的实验研究

  • Comparing and Research on the Extraction method of Tetrandrine and Fangchinoline in Human Plasma

    血浆中 防己 防己诺林碱提取方法的比较研究

  • Tetrandrine in combination with CsA prolonged survival of rat cardiac allograft

    防己 和环孢素A联合应用延长大鼠移植心存活时间

  • Preventive and Therapeutic Effect of Tetrandrine on Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Rats

    防己 对大鼠实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎的防治作用研究

  • Mechanism of tetrandrine in reversion of multidrug resistance of leukemic cell line K562 / A02

    防己 逆转白血病细胞株K562/A02耐药的机制

  • Pharmacokinetics of Tetrandrine Alginate Calcium Sustained Release Gel Pellets in Dogs The Study on the Application of Flyash to Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Protection

    防己 缓释凝胶微丸在犬体内的药动学研究粉煤灰在预防碱集料反应中的应用研究

  • Objective : To study the inhibitive effect of tetrandrine to cell reaction on intraocular lens .

    目的:研究 防己 对人工晶状体表面细胞反应的抑制效果。

  • Inhibitory effect of Tetrandrine on Scar Fibroblast Induced Contraction of Collagen Matrix

    防己 抑制瘢痕成纤维细胞诱导胶原基质的收缩

  • The main anticancer mechanisms of Tetrandrine were inducing tumor cells apoptosis down-regulating the expression of MRP .

    其作用机制与 诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,下调MRP表达等有关。

  • An experimental study of Tetrandrine ( Tet ) for the treatment of acute spinal cord injury in rats

    防己 治疗急性脊髓损伤的实验研究

  • The acute effect of tetrandrine pulmonary targeting microspheres on hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in rats

    防己 肺靶向微球对大鼠低氧性肺动脉高压的急性效应

  • An Investigation of Inhibition of Tetrandrine on Rabbit Corneal Stroma Cells and Rabbit Corneal Epithelial Cells in Vitro

    防己 对兔角膜基质细胞和上皮细胞抑制作用的对比研究

  • The mechanism of action for tetrandrine is obscure at present and needs to be studied further .

    防己 的作用机理目前尚不清楚,有待进一步探讨。

  • Effects of tetrandrine on cell cycle of rat quiescent hepatic stellate cells

    防己 对大鼠静止期肝星状细胞细胞周期的影响

  • Effect of Tetrandrine on Transdifferentiation of HK-2 Cells Induced by Aristolochic Acid ⅰ The sails are torn ; they won 't catch the wind .

    防己 对马兜铃酸A诱导的人近端肾小管上皮细胞转分化的干预作用帆破了,兜不住风。

  • OBJECTIVE To study the optimum of alcohol extraction from radix stephaniae tetrandrae in Yuxia Hypotensive Capsule by using the content of tetrandrine as index .

    目的以 防己 为含量指标,研究玉夏稳压胶囊中防己的最佳醇提工艺。

  • Preparation and quality control of tetrandrine ophthalmic gels

    防己 眼用凝胶剂的制备及质量控制

  • ResultsIt was proved by experimentation that Tetrandrine not only inhibited some cancer cells proliferation but also enhanced radiosensitizing effect of antitumor drug altered multidrug resistance .

    结果 防己 不仅能直接抑制多种肿瘤生长,并且具有放疗增敏、逆转耐药、减轻放化疗毒副反应的作用。

  • Effect of tetrandrine on proliferation and apoptosis of human cervical cancer cell line hela

    防己 对人宫颈癌Hela细胞增殖与凋亡的影响

  • Effect of Tetrandrine Combined with Daunorubicin on Expressions of P21 and P-gp in K562 / A02 Cells

    防己 联合柔红霉素对K562/A02细胞株P21蛋白和P糖蛋白表达的影响

  • Effects of Tetrandrine on calcium ion and oxygen free radicals in brain tissue after ischemia-reperfusion in rats

    防己 对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后脑组织钙离子和氧自由基的作用

  • ObjectiveTo provide references for the further research and exploitation of Tetrandrine we expatiate the progress in pharmacological effects on anti-tumor of Tetrandrine in recent years .

    目的综述近年来粉 防己碱抗肿瘤药理研究的最新进展,为其深入研究和开发提供参考。

  • Reductive cleavage of tetrandrine and active of the cleaved products

    防己 的还原裂解及其裂解产物的活性

  • An Experimental Investigation of Tetrandrine on the Isolated Rabbit Corneal Stroma Cells in Vitro

    防己 对离体兔眼角膜基质细胞作用的实验研究

  • Effect of tetrandrine on arsenic content in rats with realgar poisoning

    防己 对雄黄中毒大鼠尿砷血砷含量的影响