text compaction

[tɛkst kəmˈpækʃən][tekst kəmˈpækʃən]

[计] 正文紧缩,原文紧缩

  • This text analyses the causes and preventive measures for the common faults in three slag roadbase construction as mixture eduction poor compaction failure to harden and unqualified rebound deflection .

    本文 主要阐述三渣道路基层施工中混合料离析、 碾压时弹簧、基层 压实 不足、不结硬和弯沉值达不到要求等质量通病的原因分析和防治措施。

  • This text in introduced the construction practices about reinforce to fill the soil foundation by dynamic compaction for the city road developments provided the successful example to design and construction with certain value .

    介绍了采用强 加固填土地基的施工实践,为市政道路建设提供了成功的范例,对设计和施工具有一定的参考价值。

  • The text expatiates on the principle of operation of impact and compaction technology and applied effect and experience and suggestion .

    阐述冲击 压实工作原理及应用的效果、体会和建议。