tertiary syphilis

[ˈtə:ʃiˌɛri ˈsɪfəlɪs][ˈtɜ:ʃi:ˌeri: ˈsɪfəlɪs]


  • Conclusion The fundamental pathologic changes of hard chancre and secondary syphilis are a subacute inflamation caused by pallidula spirochaeta and those of nodular tertiary syphilis epithelioid cell granuloma .

    结论硬下疳和二期梅毒基本病理改变为梅毒性亚急性炎症,结节型 梅毒为上皮样细胞肉芽肿。

  • Conclusions Tertiary hyperparathyroidism may have already developed before kidney transplantation . It may also be true for AIDS and Syphilis .

    结论 发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症可能在肾移植前已经存在。爱滋病、 梅毒严重传染性 疾病也可能通过 角膜移植 发生 传染

  • A case of tertiary syphilis presented multiple nodular lesions

    呈现多发性结节性损害的 梅毒1例