text check

[tɛkst tʃɛk][tekst tʃek]

[计] 正文检查

  • The example in Listing 9 combines a label and a text field ( or a check box ) together to form a new widget to keep the code simpler .

    清单9中的例子使用一个标签和一个 文本字段(或 复选框)构成了一个新的部件,从而简化了代码。

  • If you forget to include ^ or $ an attacker could include legal text inside their attack to bypass your check .

    如果您忘记了包括^或者$,攻击者就可以在他们的攻击中嵌入合法的 文本 通过您的 检查

  • Displays a hierarchical collection of node objects that can consist of text with optional check boxes or icons .

    显示一个节点对象的分层集合,这些节点对象由带有可选 复选框或图标的 文本组成。

  • There is too much text for Works to grammar check . Consider rewording the text into smaller sentences or paragraphs .

    需要 检查语法的 文本太长了。试着重新组织文本,使其变为较短的句子或段落。

  • Ss read the text quickly and check their predictions .

    有目的地快速阅读 课文检测预测。

  • No text was selected to check for spelling .

    没有选择要进行拼写 检查 文字

  • It took less than10K of JSP code to implement a set of tag files that produce the basic form elements : lists text fields radio buttons check boxes and submit buttons .

    只需不到10K的JSP代码就可以实现一组标记文件,这些文件生成基本的表单元素:列表、 文本字段、单选按钮、 复选框和提交按钮。

  • The criteria are often captured within a form using text input fields drop-down menus check boxes or radio buttons .

    搜索标准常常在一个使用 文本输入字段、下拉菜单、 复选框或单选按钮的表单中进行捕捉。

  • This text mainly is to sum up check approach clinical application and prospect of colon CT imaging .

    本文主要就结肠CT成像的 检查方法、临床应用以及其前景展望作一综述。

  • For this reason this text tries hard to check and rate the system and carry on systematic research to the systematic administrative staff 's performance of cei marketing In order to strengthen its manpower resources development managerial ability promote the steady development of cei .

    为此, 本文力图对CEI营销系统管理人员绩效 考评体系进行系统的研究,以增强其人力资源开发管理能力,促进CEI的稳步发展。

  • Well-written text can make check boxes unambiguous . However this exacting text forces users to slow down to read it and takes a considerable amount of real estate .

    确切的 文本使 复选框清楚明确,但也使用户不得不放慢速度阅读,而且占据了数量可观的屏幕空间。

  • Click advanced and then click the show text boundaries check box under show document content .

    单击“高级”,然后单击“显示文档内容”中的“显示 正文边框” 复选框。

  • They also support a wide range of GUI components such as text fields check boxes lists and tables .

    这些数据绑定框架还支持各种GUI组件,例如 文本字段、 复选框、列表和表。

  • This class lets us programmatically set values of text fields check boxes and radio buttons and even select values in drop-down boxes .

    我们可以借助于该工具类以编程的方式设置 文本框、 复选框、单选按钮的值,甚至从下拉列表中进行选择。

  • Under text autofitting clear the check box for the continued notice that you want to remove .

    在“ 文字自动调整”下,清除与要删除的“继续”声明对应的 复选框。

  • The plotting module is responsible for the post-process tasks which cover outputting the result of the calculation in a text file so that the user can check the calculation and plotting the shop drawings in the AutoCAD environment based on the data exported from the design & calculation module .

    绘图模块负责后处理的工作,包括将计算得到的结果以 文本文件的形式输出以便用户 查看 校验计算结果,以及根据计算模块生成的数据自动绘制AutoCAD施工图。

  • To see the text continue on another line select the wrap text in bars check box .

    若要在另一行继续显示文本,请选中“ 文本在条形图中自动换行” 复选框。

  • Because you are interested in just the descriptive text columns in the text table and not the configuration columns it is sufficient to extract just the text table and not the check table .

    因为您只对文本表中的说明性文本列感兴趣而不是配置列,所以这足以只提取 文本表而不提取 检查表。

  • The text label shown with the check box .

    复选框一起显示的 文本标签。

  • Click label options if it 's not selected and then select the reset label text check box .

    单击“标签选项”(如果未选择),然后选择“重设标签 文本复选框。

  • Each time a connection comes in every text and image type keyword match check specified in the config file is performed .

    每次传入连接,都将执行配置文件中指定的每个 文本和图像类型关键字匹配 检查

  • Please enter instructional text or click to clear the Show Instructional Text check box .

    请输入说明文字或单击以清除显示说明 文字 复选框。

  • The fifth part is this text core contents particularly elaborate to check the step and method of setting up the overall budget management system according to the unit property .

    第五部分是 本文核心内容,重点阐述基于单元资产 核算构建全面预算管理体系的步骤和方法。

  • Clear the locked check box and if present clear the lock text check box .

    清除“锁定”复选框,如果显示,请清除“锁定 文本 复选框。

  • In the format shape dialog box click the3-D rotation pane and then under text select the keep text flat check box .

    在“设置形状格式”对话框中,单击“三维旋转”窗格,然后在“文本”下,选中“保持 文本平面状态” 复选框。

  • The text field to the right of the check box allows you to alter the spacing of the labels .

    右边的 文字框用于 确定标注的时间间隔。

  • The ABAP function module DDUT_TEXTTABLE_GET tells you the corresponding text table for each check table ( run it using the SE37 transaction code in SAP ) .

    ABAP功能模块DDUTTEXTTABLEGET告诉您每个 检查表的相应 文本表(在SAP上使用SE37交易代码来运行它)。

  • Control is put into edit mode the row typically displays text or check boxes for individual columns of the data where users can change the data .

    控件中的某行进入编辑模式时,此行通常为各个数据列显示 文本复选框,用户可以在此更改数据。

  • Enter a suitable comment in the top text field then click OK to check in your changes to the repository .

    在顶部的 文本字段中输入适当的注释,然后单击OK将变更 存储库。