


  • The Values of Tetrasyllabic Words on Sino-Tibetan Languages Studies


  • The research found it is common that the Sino-Tibetan languages have tetrasyllabic words and ( this words ) show the high consistency feature .

    研究表明,汉藏语系的语言普遍 存在 词,在特征上呈现出高度的一致性。

  • One of the significant features is Sino-Tibetan languages of tetrasyllabic words in the vocabularies .

    分布东南亚 汉藏语系一个 分支 词是汉藏语的一个重要特征。

  • In the third part this paper analyses the semantics and semantic meanings of the tetrasyllabic words in Bai and Yi languages .

    第三部分,结合 材料,分析白 - 彝语 的语义及语义内涵。