

  • Allen Stanford the Texan banker was sentenced to 110 years in prison for defrauding customers of $ 7bn to fund a lavish lifestyle including the purchase of Caribbean property a fleet of aeroplanes and an international cricket tournament .


  • And Interstate Batteries a Texan company helps its employees to go on missions .

    德克萨斯的州际电池公司 亦称跨境电池公司)也 鼓励员工 进教堂。

  • The book which drew a no comment from the White House on Tuesday night comes from a Texan picked by the president and paid by the people to help sell the war to the world .

    “无可奉告”由总统选出来拿着人民供奉 负责战争宣传的 德克萨斯 在星期三晚上被 问及对这本书说的评价时如是说。

  • Bob : texmex ? I presume from the name it 's half Texan and mexican ?

    鲍伯:德墨?从店名来看,我猜是半 德州半墨西哥式的餐厅。

  • The question is what he will do with his victory ; and also how the rest of the world which had been praying for a Kerry victory over the uncomfortably muscular Texan will react .

    问题是,他将怎样面对他的胜利;以及世界其他国家会做出怎样的反映。世界上大多数国家一直期盼着克里能够战胜“那个强硬得让 不舒服的 德克萨斯 ”。

  • But he noticed that international clients understood him better than they did his Texan boss .

    但是, 内里埃发现,他的 比他 德州老板的话更 容易让国际客户听懂。

  • When running for office he made every attempt to pass himself off as a Texan declaring a passion for pork rinds and a love for the music of the Oak Ridge Boys .

    在参加竞选的时候,他千方百计把自己塑造成一个 得克 萨斯 ,告诉世人他酷爱吃猪皮,喜欢听橡树岭男孩(OakRidgeBoys)的音乐。

  • He hosted events for nearly 100 Texan business people to learn about Leaders ' Quest .

    他主持活动,向近100 得克 萨斯商人 介绍 聚贤

  • The reporters also noted Bush 's relaxed posture crossing his legs Texan style while facing the pope in the private study of the apostolic palace .

    记者们还注意到布什总统的姿势很是休闲,他与教皇单独探讨使徒宫的问题时, 竟然以一种“ 得克 萨斯的风格”翘着腿, 对着教皇。

  • There is no greater affront to the dignity of an eight year old Texan than to be kissed on the lips by someone naked . There should be more in American liberty than the privilege we enjoy of insulting the president with impunity .

    这是对我这个8岁 德克萨斯 的尊严的最大侮辱,竟然遭遇一个裸体 男人的唇吻。美国应该有比侮辱总统而不受惩罚更大的自由。

  • Agonised introspection and crises of confidence are not Texan traits .

    烦恼的自省和信心危机不是 德克萨斯 的特点。

  • Andrew was surprised to see tears brimming in the burly texan 's eyes .

    安德鲁惊异地瞅见这个健壮的 得克 萨斯 两眼泪水盈眶。

  • John culberson a Texan member of the US Congress believes a small piece of mobile phone software could help bring about a revolution on Capitol Hill .

    美国国会德州议员约翰科波逊(john culberson)认为,一款小小的手机软件可能就会在美国国会引起一场革命。

  • I found I had a pretty warped view of the world says the 55 - year-old Texan entrepreneur .

    我发现自己以前对世界的认识有 偏颇,这位55岁的 德克萨斯企业家表示。

  • In the commercial an announcer interviews a Texan .

    在这则广告中播音员采访了一个 得克 萨斯

  • A Texan was boasting to an Arkansan about his ranch . a person who can make up extemporaneous songs while playing the dongbula is called an aken which means a wandering minstrel .

    有一个 得克 萨斯 对一个阿肯色人吹嘘自己的牧人们把即席作词演唱歌者称为“阿肯”,意即游唱诗人。

  • Ming credits Texan steaks for inspiring his wine passion explaining that In Texas they are famous for their steaks which are usually paired with great wine .

    姚明认为 得克 萨斯牛排激发了他对葡萄酒的热情,他解释说,在得克萨斯州,人们以喜爱牛排而闻名,牛排通常要搭配美味的葡萄酒。

  • The Texan wanted to impress him to clinch a business deal .

    这个 得克 萨斯 想打动他以便敲定一笔生意。

  • Few people know that George Washington was actually a texan .

    很少有人知道乔治?华盛顿实际上是 得克 萨斯

  • Unfortunately it made him sound like a Texan on the bridge of the Titanic .

    遗憾的是,这让他看起来像 在泰坦尼克号驾驶 上的 德州

  • Even tycoons who are not in President Barack Obama 's camp have moved into alternative energy none more so than T Boone Pickens oil explorer corporate raider and a Texan Republican to his core .

    即使大亨谁是总统奥巴马阵营没有进入替代能源,尤其如此比T布恩皮肯斯,石油勘探,公司袭击者和 德克萨斯 共和党自己的核心。

  • While the average Texan today is far more likely to work in an office than on a horse the cowboy remains an important cultural symbol in Texas .

    虽说如今 得州 是在办公室而不是在马背上工作了,但牛仔还是得州重要的文化象徵。

  • A couple of weeks ago Texan chef Tim Love paid a visit to the5 @ 5 hot seat to explain why eating meat is rad and being vegetarian well isn 't.

    几个礼拜前, 美国 德克萨斯 的大厨 TimLove走访了CNN的5对5热坐,并且解释了为何吃肉为“酷”,而吃素不“酷”。

  • A Texan farmer goes into Australia for a vacation . There he meets an Aussie farmer and gets talking .

    有个 德州农夫去澳洲度假时遇见一个澳洲农夫, 攀谈了起来。

  • A large Texan redneck was shouting obscenities at Ali .

    一个大 块头 得克 萨斯 红脖子正对阿里骂着脏话。

  • For more than 20 years Ron Paul the Texan Republican has been trying to pass a bill that would audit the Fed 's monetary policy decisions .

    20多年来, 得克 萨斯 共和党人罗恩保罗(RonPaul)一直试图通过一项法案,审核美联储的货币政策决定。

  • US securities regulators yesterday charged Sir Robert Allen Stanford the billionaire Texan businessman with a massive ongoing fraud through his Antigua-based offshore bank .

    昨日,美国证券监管机构对 得克 萨斯 亿万富商罗伯特•艾伦•斯坦福爵士(SirRobertAllenStanford)提出指控,罪名是通过其总部设在安提瓜的离岸银行从事大规模正在进行中的欺诈行为。

  • In the motorcade the Texan governor 's wife Nellie Connally gushed Mr President you can 't say Dallas doesn 't love you .

    在车队中, 德克萨斯 州长夫人内莉•康纳利(NellieConnally)充满感情地说:总统先生,您不能说达拉斯人不爱戴您。