text unit

[tɛkst ˈjunɪt][tekst ˈju:nit]

[计] 电文单元

  • Text is a super language unit with a unified meaning which is thought as the most ideal unit of translation .

    是具有完整意义的超语言 单位,因此是翻译过程中最理想的语言单位,翻译应从 出发。

  • Which includes : ( 1 ) Analyzing and judging the entity target with the help of Lexicon technology and Database technology which allows to separate the input text into smallest information unit with geographic information .

    对查询目标进行综合分析判断,使用分词技术和判断机制,将目标 字符串分解为包含地理信息的最小词汇 单元

  • The exercise of Chinese Teaching Material is a set of Practice project or subject designed for certain objective . It includes text proposition unit proposition and exercise style subject quantity of the whole textbook .

    语文教材的作业练习是按照一定的目标有计划地设计出一套练的方案或题目,它包括 课文的命题、 单元的命题,整部教科书学生作业的类型、题型和数量。

  • Application of Whole Language Approach to the improvement of non-English-major college students ' English proficiency with exemplary class design for Text A Unit 2 from College English ( New Edition ) Book 1

    从整体语言教学看非英语专业学生综合英语能力的培养&兼谈《大学英语》(全新版)第一册 Unit2TextA的课堂设计

  • Text is a whole language unit to express the writers ' views .

    是作者表达其观点的一个语言 整体

  • It including nine foundations class respectively is : View class page class graph unit class text unit class shape unit class line unit class . Element class unit group class and layer class .

    它包括九个基础类,分别是:视图类、页面类、图形单元类、 文字 单元类、形状单元类、线条单元类、元件类、单元组和图层类。

  • Inspired by text linguistics people believe that translation studies should be carried out with text as the unit .

    人们从而趋向于把 作为翻译 单位来进行翻译研究。

  • The first chapter from the narrative time and time units to begin discuss fuzzy time concept of embodiment in the texts and text to use narrative time unit so as to reveal the close relationship between time and narrative .

    第一章将从叙事的时间和时间单位着手,探讨模糊的时间观在文本中的体现和 文本中运用到的叙事的时间 单位,以此揭示出时间和叙事之间的密切关系。

  • With the text as its basic unit the essential function of language is to communicate .

    语言的基本功能在于社会交际, 是它的基本 单位

  • On Text Being the Translating Unit

    论语 为翻译的基本 单位

  • According to text linguistics text is the basic unit of communication and the focus of language study should shift from the level of word and sentence to that of text .

    语篇语言学认为, 是交流的基本 单位,语言研究的重点应从字词句层面转向语篇层面。

  • To take text as translation unit and to establish the teacher-student interaction model in class is a relatively reasonable orientation in translation teaching for the English majors .

    篇章为翻译 单位、以师生互动为主要课堂模式,是对英语专业本科生翻译教学的相对合理的定位。

  • In the first chapter of the thesis the author discusses why we need to introduce text analysis into Senior English text teaching : text is the basic unit during real communication ;

    在本文第一章中,笔者论述了高中英语课文教学中引入语篇分析的各种原因: 是现实交际中的基本 单位

  • When translators regard the text as the unit of translation then Gao is translated by means of five cohesive devices namely reference substitution ellipsis conjunction and lexical cohesion .

    译者视 篇章为翻译 单位,因而通过指称、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接等五种连贯手段实现搞字的翻译。

  • This text calls such basic unit of economic region radiation area of urban economy temporally for discussion .

    本文暂且把这种基本经济地域 单元称为城市经济辐射区,以供探讨。

  • The basic unit of text is clause . Unit style logic interlock device

    汉语缺乏语法形式, 汉语小句的基本结构就是话题结构。 单元化逻辑闭锁装置

  • With coherence in structure integrality in meaning and as a structure-meaning unity text is the basic unit of communication .

    是交际的基本 单位,它在语法结构上具有衔接性和规律性,在意义上具有完整性,是结构-意义的统一体。

  • From the text linguists ' point of view text is the unit of translation and a communicative occurrence too .

    论文第一章介绍了篇章翻译的概念以及给篇章语言学给翻译研究带来的新观点,包括 篇章作为翻译 单位和篇章作为一起交际事件。

  • By doing this the aim is not only to prepare students for examinations but also because text is the basic unit during real communication and text competence is one of the important elements of language communicative competence .

    在高中英语课文教学中应用语篇分析的模式,不仅仅是为了帮助学生应对考试,更因为 是现实交际中的基本 单位,语篇能力是交际能力的重要组成部分。

  • The paper is a comment on the linguistic features of the text of Unit Five Book ⅳ College English .

    该文是对上海外语教育出版社出版的《大学英语》精读第四册第五 单元 课文的评析。

  • Analysis is converting the text data into a fundamental unit of searching which is called as term .

    分析是将 文本数据转换为搜索基本 单位(称为项(term))的过程。

  • It conceives of a text as the basic unit and discloses the linguistic nature and social functions from the interaction of text and context .

    它把语 作为研究的基本 单位,从语篇与语境的互动关系中揭示语言的性质和社会功能。

  • With the development of text linguistics the unit of translation has shifted from word and sentence to text .

    随着 语言学的发展, 分析理论被引入翻译学界,翻译 单位也由词和句子转移到语篇。

  • Halliday & Hasan believe that a text is a unit not of form but of meaning . However the analyses of written texts are generally limited up to now to the topic meaning on surface level .

    Halliday&Hasan认为 是意义 单位,但目前书面语篇意义的分析多限于表层话题意义。

  • The text of a translation unit variant is enclosed in a element .

    翻译 单元变量的 文本包含在元素中。

  • This mode is called modern text translation research mode and text being the translating unit belongs to its research scope .

    作为翻译的基本 单位就是这种翻译研究模式的内容之一。

  • A text is a structural unit with complete meaning realized by one or more sequences of mutually relevant functions structured in such a way as to serve some overall rhetorical purpose .

    所谓 是一个具有完整意义的结构 单位,它由以某种方式组合在一起以达到某一总的修辞目的的一系列相互关联的交际功能来实现。

  • Based on the general principle scheme theory and textual theory the discourse-based teaching method analyses understands and generalizes the text starting out from macro view and considering the text as the basic unit as well as a whole .

    以整体性原则、图式理论和语篇理论为基本理论的语篇教学法是从宏观的角度出发,以语 为基本 单位,立足于 篇章整体对课文进行分析、理解和概括的教学方法。

  • The latter one deals with the source text in light of discourse analysis - linguistic analysis beyond a sentence i.e. analysis of discourse with the text as a unit .

    语篇模式是根据话语分析理论、以 单位分析处理原语文本。

  • In the open layout space of this magazine every text was an open unit which was full of abundant interlocution and symbiosis .

    在《现代》杂志开阔的版面空间内, 文本是一个开放的 单位。负载着极为丰富的文体对话和共生的景象。