


  • Graphics should be described textually as far as possible .

    包装 资料图形应尽可能 文字 表达

  • The source of essential safety is textually researched .

    考查“本质安全”一 出处

  • In computer programming a textually based computer language developed for computer assisted learning applications .

    计算机程序设计中,为计算机辅助教学应用, 教科书为基础而开发的一种计算机语言。

  • This article textually researched his experience and analyzed his poems .

    本文 王翰的身世与诗歌 考证与分析。

  • Secondly what Wang has textually researched is expounded from different aspects contributes us to comprehensive grasping the whole book .

    其次,从不同方面来 阐发 王氏 考证的内容, 由此有助于我们对该书内容作全面的把握。

  • By analyzing detailedly and researching textually the religious thoughts the culture connotation of the folklore main function and the value of art on the main pagodas at present in Quanzhou the article reveals the unique historic human value .

    本文通过对泉州现存的主要古塔所体现的宗教思想、主要功用、民俗文化内涵、艺术价值等方面进行分析 考证,以揭示其独特的历史人文价值。

  • The net can be seen as a huge writable text and internet news is gradually becoming textually writable .

    网络可视为一巨大的可写文本,网络新闻正逐渐可写 文本化。

  • The second part textually researches his poetry creation and theory .

    第二部分, 元稹中的诗歌创作及诗歌理论的研究。

  • This approach is useful when working directly with business users as it presents the rules visually rather than textually .

    在直接与业务用户一起工作时,这种方法极为有用,因为它能以可视化的方式呈现规则,而非 文本

  • It is textually researched that there are 11969 names in Chinese nation according to character record .

    考证,目前中华民族的姓氏用汉字记录的有 11969个。

  • Login and textually navigate the PLM system yourself or track down someone that can .

    登入系统 自己浏览PLM的 文本或者追踪其他人。

  • Queries were built by calling an API not specified textually in a language such as SQL or MDX .

    查询需要调用API,而不是在SQL或MDX之类的语言 文本 方式 指定。

  • Interpretation of textually stored information varies from person to person and misunderstandings are common .


  • In the case of Jinyang county this paper analyzed and textually researched its historical administrative changes especially the variance of its around border .

    县级行政建置与 大小的历史演变是 沿革 地理学研究的重点和 难点之一。

  • Textually Research the Relation between the Restorative Justice and the Traditional Society of China

    恢复性司法与中国传统社会关系 考证

  • It is also an earliest extant monograph that textually researches relevant geography in The Book of Songs . Nonetheless the academic value has not been obtained enough attention and few scholars have made systematic study .

    尽管如此,其学术价值并没有引起 后人足够的重视,很少有学者对该书进行系统的整理和研究。

  • In the first chapter the basic system of administrative public welfare litigation is textually researched and the profile about the system of extraterritorial administrative public welfare litigation is introduced and public welfare in administrative public welfare litigation and other related theories are discussed .

    第一章对行政公益诉讼的基本制度进行了 考证,介绍了域外行政公益诉讼制度的概况,并对行政公益诉讼中公共利益等相关理论进行了探讨。

  • When studying a sermon text it is important to discover textually correct applications .

    查考一段讲道经文时,发掘 符合 经文的正确应用是很重要的。

  • According to the correlation material the thesis textually researches Huang Yuanjie 's life story and her association with the Qi family feminine literature community .

    兹根据相关材料,勾勒 黄媛介的生平经历,考述她与祁氏家族女性文学群体的 相识 缘起及交游情况。

  • This paper tries to textually research the publishing times of the book and evaluate its historical status in history of index in china .

    作者对该书的出版年代进行了 考证,并对其在中国索引史上的地位进行了评价。

  • It is not necessary that the function definition is textually enclosed in the class definition : assigning a function object to a local variable in the class is also ok .

    不是必须要将函数定义 代码 进类定义中,也可以将一个函数对象 给类中的一个变量。

  • The second section of this chapter textually researches the historical materials and poses : the population after bringing the Inner Mongolia area under cultivation is not immigrant but refugee .

    本章第四节 考证历史事实,提出了 清末 垦蒙地后的内蒙古地区人口 流入 主体 为流民而非移民这一 观点