


  • Spinal pathways to limbic structures and medial thalamic nuclei were noted to provide direct input to brain areas involved in affective responses .

    研究表明,到边缘结构和内侧 丘脑核的脊髓通路可直接输入与情感反应有关的信号进入大脑。

  • This study provided an objective index for the clinical diagnosis and rehabilitation of the patients with thalamic diseases .

    此研究为 丘脑病变 神经 心理 障碍的临床诊断和康复治疗 计划提供客观依据。

  • Objective : To investigate whether the thalamic dorsal neurons suffer toxic damage from intraventricular hematoma .

    目的:探讨脑室内血肿对 丘脑背侧神经元是否具有毒性损伤作用。

  • The synaptic relationships between the trigeminothalamic terminals and thalamocortical relay neurons were investigated in the ventroposteromedial thalamic nucleus of the cat .

    结果证明,在猫 丘脑腹后内侧核内,三叉丘系终末可以形成轴一树、轴一体等单突触联系。

  • To study the relationship between thalamic hemorrhage and ocular convergence disorder we investigated the patients with thalamic hemorrhage .

    为探讨 丘脑出血与眼会聚障碍的关系,对丘脑出血患者进行观察。

  • In basal ganglion infarction is 3 cases and thalamic infarction is 1 cases .

    继发 癫痫的梗死部位, 脑叶梗死 26例,基底节区3例, 丘脑1例。

  • Its reversibility and adaptability make chronic Vim thalamic stimulation preferable to thalamotomy and ventral lateral nucleus damage method .

    它的逆转性和适应性使 丘脑腹中间核刺激优于丘脑术和腹侧核毁损术。

  • Conclusion M1 and PMd have different thalamic origins some which are separate and some overlap ;

    结论M1和PMd具有不同的 丘脑起源,这种起源既有重叠也有分离;

  • Comparative Study of Cognitive Disorder after Ischemic Left and Right Thalamic Stroke the dorsal surface of the abducent nerve root was crossed by the anterior inferior cerebellar artery and inferolateral pontine artery .

    左右背侧 丘脑卒中后认知功能障碍比较研究从展神经背面跨过的血管有小脑下前动脉、脑桥下外侧动脉等。

  • High frequency stimulation to subthalamic nucleus inhibits the expression of serotonin in dorsal raphe nucleus of rats Microsurgical treatment via lateral fissure approach for hypertensive thalamic hemorrhage

    高频电刺激大鼠丘脑底核抑制背侧中缝核5-羟色胺表达显微手术外侧裂入路治疗高血压 丘脑出血

  • The cause of hypernatremia was correlative with diabetes thalamic hemorrhage fever and application of mannitol .

    结论脑出血并发高钠血症者,其 病死率明显 高于对照组,且血清钠 离子 水平 病死 高,其发生原因与糖尿病、 丘脑出血、发热、甘露醇使用量大等因素相关。

  • Objective To analyze and compare the efficacy of minimally puncture and craniotomy for patients with thalamic hemorrhage .

    目的分析比较 丘脑出血患者微创穿刺治疗与外科开颅手术治疗的疗效。

  • Thalamic afferents to the prefrontal cortex were investigated by means of HRP method in rats .

    验用HRP法研究了27只大鼠额前皮质的 丘脑传入纤维联系。

  • Objective To improve the effects of surgical treatment of thalamic tumors .

    目的探讨提高 丘脑肿瘤的切除 减少并发症的手术方法。

  • Simulations of the theory model and the identified model of thalamic relay cells are made .


  • Prospective Memory Impairment in Patients with Thalamic Stroke


  • Inhibitory effect of anterior cingulate cortex on spontaneous activity of thalamic ventrobasal nucleus neurons

    前扣带皮层对 丘脑腹侧基底核神经元自发放电的抑制效应

  • CONCLUSIONS : Sleep spindles are generated by the thalamic reticular nucleus in conjunction with specific thalamic nuclei and are modulated by corticothalamic and thalamocortical connections .

    结论:睡眠纺锤波由与特异丘脑核团相连的 丘脑网状核产生,并受皮质-丘脑和丘脑-皮质联结调控。

  • The Clinical Analysis of Thalamic Hemorrhage Breaking into the Ventricle with Obstructive Hydrocephalus in 16 Patients by Ventricular drainage united Lumbar Puncture

    脑室引流联合腰穿治疗 丘脑出血破入脑室系并梗阻性脑积水16例临床分析

  • Effect of atropine on the inhibition of melatonin to the unit discharges evoked in the posterior group of thalamic nuclei in cats

    阿托品对褪黑素抑制猫 丘脑后核群诱发放电的影响

  • Objective To study the curative effect of three needles micro-invasive centesis to therapy severe thalamic hemorrhage .

    目的:探讨三针微创穿刺术在重症 丘脑出血治疗中的疗效。

  • Correlation of image sites of thalamic small infarctions and cognitive impairment


  • Objective To explore the possibility and technique of surgery for thalamic glioma .

    目的探讨 丘脑胶质瘤手术治疗的可能性及方法。

  • Radiofrequency derogation under stereotactic orientation to thalamic nuclei Vo and Vim is safe effective and basically without recurrence in Writer 's Cramp .


  • Microsurgical treatment via lateral fissure approach for hypertensive thalamic hemorrhage

    显微手术外侧裂入路治疗高血压 丘脑出血

  • Clinical study on combined treatment of thalamic pain using duloxetine and mecobalamin

    度洛西汀联用甲钴胺治疗 丘脑痛的临床观察

  • Use of Cingulate Gyrus and Thalamic Points in Auriculotherapy : Rapid Relief of Acute and Chronic Pain

    扣带回和 丘脑点在耳针疗法中的应用:快速缓解急慢性疼痛

  • Cerebello-thalamo-cerebral tract The Clinical Application of Brain Stereotaxic Therapy for Chronic Cancerous Pain by Damaging Centro-median Thalamic Nuclei

    小脑-丘脑-大脑径CT定位脑立体定向 丘脑中央中核毁损治疗癌症顽痛的应用

  • To study the surgical curative effect of thalamic tumors .

    目的: 复习和研究 丘脑肿瘤的外科治疗效果。

  • Objective : To investigate the therapeutic effect of thalamic pain .

    目的:探讨 丘脑痛有效的治疗方法。