


  • The valence-band offsets of such systems are calculated by frozen potential method and their Joint density of states has been computed by tetrahedron method .

    在此基础上,用冻结势方法计算了该超晶格系统的价带带阶;用 四面体方法计算了该系统的联合态密度。

  • The utility model relates to a tetrahedron triangle module toy which is formed by at least six tetrahedron triangle modules in a jointing combination way .


  • A Recursively Configured Interconnection Network ── Regular Tetrahedron Recursive Network

    一种递归构造的互连网络&正 四面体递归网络

  • The calculation accuracy and the calculation efficiency of hexahedron mesh generated by author are higher than tetrahedron element .

    所剖分的六面体单元的-算精度和计算效率都高于 四面体单元。

  • And so now I have hydrogens at the four corners of a tetrahedron .

    放在碳 四面体,的四个角上。

  • This amazing organic Light material forms as a star tetrahedron ( see FIGURE 8 ) that constantly spins and rotates on its six major axis points .

    这令人惊奇的器官光材料形态如同一星 四面体(看图8),它以六个主轴点不断旋转。

  • The most likely alternative structure the tetrahedron would produce only one isomer for this composition .

    在这种情况下,最可选的结构是 四面体,并且对于这个化合物将只产生一个异构体。

  • Firstly hexahedron cells in data field of point cloud were divided into tetrahedron cells .

    然后据此逐步将点定位到数据场中 四面体 单元内;

  • So this forms a tetrahedron which forms the sp3 hybrid orbitals .

    这就形成了一个 四面体,它是由sp3杂化轨道形成的。

  • The silica - alumina framework in vitreous body exists not in reticular structure but in double tetrahedron island structure .

    玻璃体中的硅铝骨架并不是处于网状结构中,而是处于双 四面体岛状结构中;

  • An algorithm for tetrahedron mesh that can approach to the conicoid boundary during the refined process was presented .

    本文介绍了一种在 四面体 单元网格的加密过程中实现曲面逼近的算法。

  • We can now use tetrahedron and hexahedron elements in three-dimensional stress analysis .

    我们现在在三维应力分析中采用 四面体 单元和六面体单元。

  • Here a special series of vortices created by the constant gyrations of the different elements in the star tetrahedron makes this acquisition possible .

    这里,一特别的旋涡,由在星 四面体不同元素持续不断的旋转所创造,使这获得 为可能。

  • This bond is polar but again as I alluded to earlier because the carbon is centered in the tetrahedron because of the sp3 hybridization the molecule itself is symmetric and nonpolar .

    这个键是非极性的,但是,我们断言过早,因为C是中心 原子,由于sp3杂化,这个分子本身是非极性的且对称的。

  • Each tetrahedron shares two of its oxygens with neighboring tetrahedra .

    每个 四面体都有两个氧原子是与其相邻的两个四面体共用的。

  • In addition the third strand in each of the six helices connects to ( and continually weaves patterns of Light around ) the central core of the star tetrahedron .

    此外,在每一个六螺旋状物的第三条连接到(光围绕的不断波动模式)星 四面体中心。

  • Play method : the tetrahedron triangle module toy reverses without barrier .

    玩法: 四面三角体模块玩具无障碍翻转。

  • The triangle and tetrahedron optimization methods were developed for the selection of back-ground electrolyte ( BGE ) in capillary zone electrophoresis ( CZE ) .

    建立了两种高效、快速的毛细管区带电泳背景电解质(BGE)的优化方法三角形优化法和 四面体优化法。

  • Several stacking faults and a tetrahedron composed of two stacking faults in triangular were observed within the crystal .

    在晶体中观察到多个层错和一个由两个层错三角形组成的层错 四面体

  • Base grid is used to accelerate the generation of tetrahedron mesh .

    在网格生成过程中,运用背景网格加快了 四面体网格的生成速度;

  • A kind of complete automatic subdivision method for mesh of hexahedron based on quadratic subdivision of tetrahedron was put forward and the corresponding program was developed .

    提出了一种基于 四面体二次剖分的六面体网格全自动剖分方法,研制了相应的程序。

  • By boundary attraction the mesh boundary approached the domain boundary and inner-domain boundary the spring and equilateral tetrahedron approach method optimized the mesh structure effectually .

    其中,边界引力有效解决了流场边界恢复和内嵌边界问题,弹簧振子和正 四面体趋进技术有效调整网格结构并提高网格质量。

  • The tetrahedron triangle module is a solid module with four planes ;


  • The particle in the fly ash of low calcium is the silicon oxygen tetrahedron structure one 's own activation is very low .

    低钙粉煤灰中的微粒为硅氧 四面体结构,自身的活性很低。

  • A tetrahedron with four equilateral triangular faces .

    有四个等边三角形面的 四面体

  • Influence of MoO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) tetrahedron on growth of prismatic faces of KDP single crystal

    MoO4~(2-) 四面体对KDP晶体柱面生长的影响

  • By an analytic method in this essay a vector invariant of a casual point to a tetrahedron on volume and deductions form vector invariant are given .

    利用解析法,给出 空间 任意一点与 四面体体积有关的一个向量恒等式,并给出若干推论。

  • Now you are equipped for the development of the magical RNA / DNA star tetrahedron !

    现在你为不可思议的RNA/DNA星 四面体 整装好!

  • Reconstruction of 3D Complex Geological Bodies Based on Tetrahedron Mesh

    基于 四面体格网的3维复杂地质体重构

  • Productivity system is a dynamic tetrahedron in an abstract term .

    生产力系统抽象地看是一个处于动态的 四面体