



  • I 'll read the text aloud first

    我先朗读一下 课文

  • It is easy to see the conclusions described in the text follow from this equation .

    很容易可以看出 中所述的结论是由这个方程式推出的。

  • Click this option to right-justify the selected text .

    点击这个选项,使选定的 文本向右对齐。

  • His early plays are set texts in universities .

    他早期的戏剧作品现在是大学指定 课文

  • Burton 's text is concise and informative

    伯顿的 文章语言简洁,信息丰富。

  • The text varies from the earlier versions

    这一 文本与较早的版本有些不同。

  • We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text .

    我们彻底仔细地检查了措词后才最终 定稿

  • We have reviewed the whole text .


  • The text fills 231 pages .


  • I borrowed my wife 's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man .

    我上周借我老婆的手机用,收到一个男人 来的 短信

  • The illustrations are strictly illustrative of the text .

    这些插图是严格地解释 正文 内容的。

  • I 've argued deductively from the text

    我已依 文字作过推理论证。

  • Click on this icon to align or justify text .

    点击这个图标使 文本排齐。

  • In view of the seriousness of the matter I 'll speak from a written text .

    为郑重其事,我按 稿子来谈。

  • The text is precise and informative .

    正文 内容准确,信息量大。

  • Edit the input text and re-run the software

    修改输入的 文本,重新运行软件。

  • We have omitted footnotes which we judged inessential to the text .

    我们略掉了我们认为对 正文不甚紧要的脚注。

  • He collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production

    他和儿子迈克尔合作,把一 介绍食品生产的文章译成了英文。

  • A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie 's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops .

    一位发言人说, 朗西博士的演讲 稿已经分发给所有主教了。

  • Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician .

    她的 文献据信是现存最古老的、由女性内科医生留下的手稿。

  • The machine can recognise handwritten characters and turn them into printed text

    这种机器能够识别手写字体,并将其转化为打印 文本

  • The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents

    文章的主要 部分基本是对这些原始文件的回顾。

  • A CD-ROM can store more than 250 pages of typed text .

    一张只读光盘能存储25万多页键入的 文本

  • One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text .

    新型号中有一款具备复读和 文本复制的功能。

  • When text is saved from a Web page it is often very badly formatted with many short lines .

    从网页上转存 文本时,往往会出现许多短行,格式也乱了。

  • Mary texted me when she got home .

    玛丽 到家 短信

  • The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty

    针对统一条约的序 出现了争论。

  • Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault 's text ' Madness and Civilisation '

    3个主要故事在福柯的《 疯癫与文明》一书当中密切相联。

  • The interpolation appears to have been inserted very soon after the original text was finished .

    插补 文字似乎是在 原文完成后不久被补充进来的。

  • Then he showed me how to merge the graphic with text on the same screen .

    然后他教我如何将图表和 文字合并在同一个屏幕上。