tetracosanoic acid


  • Result : Two compounds were isolated from the petroleum ether and ethyl acetate fractions of the flower and identified as tetracosanoic acid and quercitrin .

    结果:从合欢花石油醚和乙酸乙酯 部分 得到2个化合物,鉴定为 二十四 和槲皮

  • Four compounds were isolated from the rhizome of Costus tonkinensis and elucidated as tetracosanoic acid ( 7 ) succinic acid ( 8 ) sitosterol ( 9 ) and daucosterin ( 0 ) .

    从光叶闭鞘姜中分离鉴定了个化合物,为 二十四 (7),琥珀酸(8),β谷甾醇(9),胡萝卜苷(0)。