


  • The effect of thickness and humidity on the permeability of tritium in rubber and plastics


  • We discuss first a wide variety of evidence bearing upon the thickness and constitutional variation of plates .

    我们首先讨论与板块 厚度和结构的变化有关的各种证据。

  • As the spacing increases the concrete 's thickness and need for reinforcement increases .

    当缝间距增加时,混凝土 厚度和所需的钢筋也要增加。

  • The color and thickness of the coating shall conform to the order .

    涂层颜色和 厚度应符合订货要求。

  • The carotid intima-media thickness ( IMT ) refers to the vertical dimension between carotid intima and media .

    颈动脉内膜-中膜 厚度(IMT)是指颈动脉血管内膜和中膜之间的垂直距离。

  • Strain the mixture through a double thickness of muslin or cheesecloth .

    用双层 平纹细布或干酪包布过滤混合料。

  • The thickness of his speech showed that he was drunk .

    他讲话的 含混不清就表明他醉了。

  • They feel great and offer a good amount of cushion and thickness .

    他们感觉非常好,并提供了良好的缓冲量和 厚度

  • Feel the ears for thickness of leather check shoulders and chest for depth and width .

    感觉耳朵的 厚度,检查肩部及胸部的深度和宽度。

  • The effect of the thickness errors of pavement layers on moduli backcalculating is discussed .

    研究了路面结构层 厚度误差对模量反算结果的影响。

  • The relationships between the cutting speed and a incised workpiece of intension thickness are analyzed .

    通过试验,分析了被切割工件强度和 厚度与切割速度之间的关系。

  • The effects of thickness shear modulus and material damping ratio of the horizontally inhomogeneous soil are studied .

    分析了水平方向不均匀土的 厚度、剪切弹性模量以及材料阻尼比的影响。

  • The effects of different cutting thickness on surface quality and slice quality are studied in this paper .

    研究了不同切削 厚度对竹材表面质量与屑片质量的影响。

  • Normalizing treatment and product thickness affect magnetic property little in this experiment .

    试验中,常化和产品 厚度对产品磁性能的影响不明显。

  • The analysis shows that the polymer flooding changes the internal and interlayer profile and enhances the producing thickness .

    分析认为,聚合物驱调整了层间、层内剖面,提高了动用 厚度

  • These variances are defined by the variable geometries and the usable thickness of the casework and walls .

    这些变化决定于可变的几何形状和使用 厚度个案和墙壁。

  • Possess certain rigidity hardness and elasticity with unifor thickness .

    具有一定的刚性,硬度和弹性, 厚薄均匀。

  • Machining Tolerance is the permissible variation in actual space width or actual tooth thickness .

    加工公差是花键的实际齿槽宽和实际齿 的允许的变动量。

  • It improved the measuring precision of the thickness of rocket motor cladding .

    提高了火箭发动机包覆层 厚度测量精度。

  • Influencing factors to the uniformity of coating thickness for alkaline zinc plating have been studied systematically by Hall-cell test .

    采用霍尔槽试验对碱性镀锌镀层 厚度均一性的影响因素进行了研究。

  • It introduces the hardware and software design of control system in X-ray thickness gauge used in cold-rolled steel strip .

    介绍了一种X射线冷轧 仪控制系统的硬件设计和软件设计。

  • What 's the thickness of the wall ?


  • The influence of temperature curvature radius of lens and the thickness of oil on ultrasonic field is analyzed .

    并分析了温度、透镜曲率半径和油层 厚度对探头声场的影响。

  • It 's just the right thickness .


  • The effects of loading rate and specimen net thickness on tearing toughness were investigated .

    考察了加载速率和试件 厚度对撕裂韧性的影响。

  • Heat Mirror ? insulating glass has similar weight thickness and mechanical performance compare with ordinary insulating glass .

    热镜中空玻璃空具有与普通中空玻璃相似的重量, 厚度和机械性能。

  • The results show that : discharge voltage and pulse width are main factors which affect the deterioration layer thickness ;

    研究结果表明:放电电压和脉冲宽度是影响变质层 厚度的主要因素;

  • Chips should be cut into uniform size and thickness

    土豆条要切得大小 厚薄均匀。

  • They also did ultrasound and other tests to measure blood vessel function and the thickness of the artery wall .

    他们还进行了超声波和其他测试,衡量血管的作用和动脉血管的 厚度