


  • His thickset torso was supported by short sturdy legs always incased in the finest leather boots procurable and always planted wide apart like a swaggering small boy ' s.

    十分 笨重的躯干由经常裹在头等皮靴里的短粗的双腿支撑着,而且经常大大分开站着,像个摇摇摆摆的孩子。

  • Today Marcus is a short thickset redhead with a lot of energy just like his father .

    如今,马库斯 较矮一 体格 结实、一 红发精力充沛,跟他爸爸一个样;

  • He was a man of medium stature thickset and robust in the prime of life he might have been forty-six or forty-eight years old .

    他是一个中等身材的人, 体格 粗壮正在盛年,可能有四十六或四十八岁。

  • A long thin stem sits on a tiny thickset body that is covered – animal welfarists please try not to listen for a moment !

    细长 一根杆固定在一个横着的小筒上,这个小桶的一个面由 蛇皮覆盖。

  • A thickset stocky short - legged horse . Molly 's legs are short and fat .

    短腿马一 体格 结实 矮胖 短腿 马莫利的腿又短又粗。

  • The traveller was a thickset square-shouldered yellow wrinkled old man with grey eyelashes overhanging gleaming eyes of an indefinite grey colour .

    过路客人是个骨骼宽大、皮肤发黄、满面皱纹、敦 敦实实的老头,他那炯炯有神的浅灰色的眼睛上面垂下斑白的 眉毛

  • Tobacco treated with rhizobium and 2 4-D together growed not so well some buff nodule appeared on roots fibre became thickset and amount decreased sharply ;

    根瘤菌和2,4一D共同处理的烟 :根部产生淡黄色类根瘤,须根减少,明显变 加粗