


  • The paper studied and investigated the species of the thrips in alfalfa in the mid of Shaanxi province .

    本文系统研究了陕西关中地区 苜蓿 蓟马的种类,调查了 杨凌渭南宝鸡等地区苜蓿上的蓟马 种群

  • The results show that molecular identification based on PCR and direct sequencing is desirable for identifying thrips species .

    结果表明,基于PCR及直接测序技术的分子鉴定可以达到准确鉴定 蓟马物种之目的。

  • Correlation Study of Medicago sativa Resistance to Thrips and Physiological Activity

    苜蓿 蓟马抗性与生理活性相关性研究

  • The thrips are main injurious insects of alfalfa production in China


  • From 1991 to 1992 the author investigated the flower thrips in Kunming district .

    作者于1991~1992年调查了昆明地区花卉 蓟马

  • Distribution Features and Control Techniques of the Western Flowers Thrips ( F. occidentalis ) on the Tobacco Plants

    西花 蓟马在烟草植株上的分布特点及防治技术

  • Field evaluation of 4 alfalfa cultivars ( clones ) for resistance to thrips

    四个苜蓿品种无性系大田抗 蓟马性能评价

  • Investigation on Species of Thrips in Vegetable Fields in Guizhou Province and Study on Host Adaptation of the Dominant Species

    贵州省蔬菜 蓟马种类调查及优势种的寄主适应性研究

  • Control efficacy of several botanical insecticides mixture on alfalfa thrips

    植物源药剂混配防治 西 蓟马的药效研究

  • Effect of Pesticide on Controlling Thrips in Sweet Pepper in Greenhouse

    不同 类型杀虫剂防治大棚甜椒 蓟马 试验

  • The Test of 25 % Pymetrozine-WP on the Control of Mulberry Thrips

    25%吡蚜酮可湿性粉剂对桑 蓟马的防效试验

  • Screening and Field Trial of Pesticides for Flower Thrips ( Frankliniella intonsa ) in Peanut

    花生花 蓟马室内药剂筛选及田间药效试验

  • Population Dynamics and Spatial Distribution of Western Flower Thrips Frankliniella occidentalis ( Pergande ) of Rose in Kunming

    昆明大棚月季上西花 蓟马种群动态与空间分布

  • Thrips tabaci Lindemau was a dominant pest species in both fields .


  • A study on the alfalfa thrips

    苜蓿 蓟马的研究

  • And the relationship between thrips and its host plant is discussed .

    并讨论了 蓟马 种类和寄主植物之间的关系;

  • The author identifies the species of thrips .


  • Finally biological characteristics of this thrips and the control measures were discussed .

    最后对 美洲 蓟马 基本生物学特性和防控对策进行了综述。

  • The Effect of Mulberry Leaves Harmed by Mulberry Thrips on the Quality of Cocoons and Eggs


  • Research on the Occurrence and Control of the Thrips in Cornfield

    玉米田 蓟马的发生和防治的研究

  • I didn 't know when I was siting it that I had a thrips infestation nearby .

    我不知道什么时候我认为我的选址有 蓟马虫害附近。

  • The major results are listed as follows : The daily flight activities of thrips were examined in the greenhouse .

    主要结果如下:在温室中利用 色板观察了两种 蓟马的日活动 规律

  • A Preliminary Study on Sugarcane Thrips

    甘蔗 蓟马初步研究

  • The results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of the western flower thrips belonged to aggregating distribution on cucumber and green bean .

    结果表明:在黄瓜和架豆上西花 蓟马的空间分布型 一致,均为聚集分布型;

  • Population Dynamic of Thrips on Pinellia ternate and the Control Technique

    贵州地道中药材半夏 蓟马田间消长动态及防治技术

  • Acaribs and thrips are regarded as low-risk quarantining pests .

    螨类和 蓟马类为低风险检疫性有害生物。

  • Resistance Evaluation of 4 Alfalfa Cultivars ( Clones ) Against Thrips in Field

    4个苜蓿品种无性系对 蓟马抗性的田间评价

  • If aphids thrips or other insects invade your rose bushes you may be able to force them off with just a strong spray of water .

    如果蚜虫、 蓟马或其他昆虫侵入玫瑰花丛,你可以使用 高压水雾赶跑它们。

  • Study on the population dynamic of rice thrips by applying fuzzy clustering analysis

    模糊聚类分析在稻 蓟马种群动态研究中的应用