


  • The objective of this research is to model and forecast the temperature of motorized spindle by on-line infrared thermometer .

    文章采用红外 测温的方法对电主轴进行在线检测,建立温度模型,对电主轴温升及其故障进行预测和 报警

  • The thermometer nudged three figures yesterday in Rome .

    罗马昨天 气温接近( 华氏)三位数。

  • A perfect infrared thermometer for all family members which is designed for ear and forehead measurements .

    一个完美的家庭用红外线 温度计,被设计在耳朵和前额上使用的。

  • The thermometer read 105 degrees Fahrenheit

    温度计 显示华氏105度。

  • All right so now we have the makings of a good thermometer and a good temperature scale .

    这一常数只决定于温度,于是我们现在,可以定义一个理想的 温度计和温标了。

  • The thermometer fell to zero last night .

    寒暑 昨夜降至零度。

  • A thermometer gauges the temperature .


  • When the weather is so hot that it feels like the thermometer could break .

    我今天不想 跑步了。这天气, 温度计都快热爆了。

  • It is essential that you are able to read a thermometer .

    最基本的是要能看懂 温度计

  • A thermometer gives indication of changes on temperature .


  • The design of infrared ear thermometer based on medical digital infrared sensor MLX90615 was presented .

    介绍了一种基于医用数字红外传感器MLX90615的红外耳 设计。

  • I want a thermometer that is marked with both the centigrade and the Fahrenheit scales .

    我要一支标有摄氏和华氏刻度的 温度计

  • You know that was my first rectal thermometer .

    那是我的第一个直肠 温度计

  • The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit

    护士把 体温 ,然后放到了我的腋下。

  • A thermometer is placed in a mixture of ice and water in a beaker .

    有一个 温度计放在烧杯内冰和水的混合物中。

  • He broke the oral thermometer and had to buy a new one .

    他摔坏了口腔 温度计,不得不去买个新的。

  • Necessary production and testing equipment for thermometer thermocouple precision resistor precision inductor manufacturing enterprises .

    也是 温度计、热电偶、精密电阻、精密电感等生产企业的必备生产和检测设备。

  • Mercury the liquid metal that is used in many thermometer is very much heavier than water .

    许多 温度计中应用的液体金属,水银比水重得多。

  • The precision of the thermometer is very high because of applying sensor nonlinear compensation technique through software .

    由于采用了传感器非线性补偿技术,提高了系统的 测温精度。

  • We can measure a man 's temperature with a thermometer .

    我们可以用 温度计 体温

  • A mercury thermometer that measures small differences or changes in temperature .

    测量小的差异和变化的水银 温度计

  • Once you have recorded the reading shake the thermometer down to below 36 degrees

    一旦完成 计数,把 温度计 到36度以下。

  • Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist

    要么用浴用 温度计测量水温,要么用手腕试一下。

  • Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before inserting the thermometer .

    先合上嘴巴等几分钟再放进 体温

  • All you 'll need is a kitchen and a thermometer .

    道。你将需要的是一个厨房和一支 温度计

  • But I think you might have lost your thermometer .

    你的 温度计可能不见了。

  • Another example is a scanner for monitoring temperatures at several locations using one thermometer and multiple sensors .

    另一个例子就是利用一个 温度计和多个传感器监测多个位置的温度时采用的扫描仪。

  • The thermometer had fallen to zero .

    温度计 显示 温度降到了零度。

  • You broke a thermometer in my hands .

    你在我手里打破了 体温