thermoplastic material

[ˌθɚməˈplæstɪk məˈtɪriəl][ˌθə:məˈplæstik məˈtiəriəl]


  • In contrast with metal and thermoplastic material which has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE ) .

    相较于金属和 材料,什么 材料具有更高的热膨胀系数(CTE)?

  • The results show that the intrinsic fiber strength and fiber length can be protected relative completely by thermoplastic material plates beating .

    结果表明:采用 材质磨盘打浆能使纤维本身固有强度和长度得到较好的保护,同时又能使纤维产生良好的内、外部细纤维化。

  • The Basic concept of injection molding revolves around the ability of a thermoplastic material to be softened by heat and to harden when cooled .

    注射成型的基本概念是使 材料在受热时熔融,冷却时硬化。

  • PSF is a kind of good mechanical properties chemical resistance thermal stability of thermoplastic material the industry has a very wide range of applications ultrafiltration gas separation both play a very major role .

    聚砜是一种具有良好的机械性能、耐化学 、热稳定性的 材料,在工业上有着很广泛的应用,在超滤、气体分离上都起到很主要的作用。

  • This article expatiates the reason of shrinkage and warpage of thermoplastic material part from aspects of material performance part design mould design and process parameters .

    本文从材料性能,产品的设计,模具设计及加工工艺四个方面 全面阐述了引起 产品收缩变形的原因及注意事项。

  • Thermoplastic Elastic Material Used in Automotive Components Application

    弹性体 材料在汽车零部件上的应用

  • Thermoplastic elasticit material of high degree of polymerization of PVC in automobile sealant

    汽车密封条用高聚合度聚氯乙烯 弹性

  • The dose attenuation rate was less than 2.57 % because of the thermoplastic material fixing cage .

    在通过 记忆膜固定罩后,剂量衰减率≤ 2.57%

  • The potential market of advantageous PTT as fiber and thermoplastic material is expected to be prosperous contributing to recent great breakthrough in the key raw material - 1 - PDO .

    PTT单体1生产工艺近年来取得突破进展,使得具有优良性能的PTT聚酯材料在纤维和 工程 材料领域有很大的开发潜力。

  • In blow molding a molten tube of thermoplastic material is formed and then compressed air is used to blow up the tube forcing the material to take the shape of the interior of a chilled blow mold .

    在吹塑,熔融的 材料管的形成,然后压缩空气用于炸毁管,迫使材料采取的形状,内部的冰鲜吹塑。

  • The Application for PVC Thermoplastic Elasticity Material in Automobile Sealant

    PVC 弹性 材料在汽车密封条上的应用

  • Surface Hydrophobization of Thermoplastic Starch Material

    淀粉 材料的表面疏水化反应

  • As for architectural ornament material e.g. thermoplastic polymer material board aluminum plate glass and ceramic ;

    包括用于建筑装饰材料的 高分子 材料、木板、铝板、玻璃、瓷砖等材料的转移印花;

  • A polymer of propylene used as a thermoplastic molding material .

    一种丙烯的聚合体,用作 铸型 材料

  • Through DSC analysis the etherified straw showed glass transition temperature which indicated the straw has been partly modified into thermoplastic material .

    通过差示扫描量热分析可以看出醚化稻草具有玻璃化转变温度,说明稻草部分被改性成 材料

  • Thermoplastic elasticit material of high degree of polymerization of PVC is a new type material for automobile sealant .

    高聚合度聚氯乙烯 弹性体是一种新型的汽车密封条用 材料。恶性程度高;

  • The Funnel supplies the screw of plasticization in granulated of thermoplastic material .

    料斗用于向螺杆提供颗粒状的 材料 进行注塑。

  • Realization of Optimum Control System of Thermoplastic Material Production Run Based on Genetic Arithmetic

    基于遗传算法的 材料生产过程优化控制系统的实现

  • The carbon dioxide copolymer is synthesized by the copolymerization of carbon dioxide and epoxides which is a kind of biodegradable and thermoplastic polymer material .

    二氧化碳基树脂系以工业废气二氧化碳为主要原料,经聚合反应制成的一种 全生物降解高分子 材料

  • Thermoplastic material is a kind of high scientific and technologic product in wide use while irradiation is the key procedure in thermoplastic production .

    热缩 材料是用途广泛的高科技产品,辐照是生产热缩 材料的关键工序。

  • This paper relates to the beating greasy pulp of unbleached wheat straw pulp by thermoplastic material plates in φ 330 disc refiner and in comparison with the beating of the same pulp by basalt material plates .

    本试验在φ330盘磨中采用 材质对麦草浆进行打粘状浆的特性研究,并与用玄武岩材质磨盘打浆进行了比较。

  • Polycarbonate ( PC ) is a kind of thermoplastic material with good properties and its products are widely used .

    聚碳酸酯(Polycarbonate,简称PC)是一种综合性能优良的 工程 材料,制品广泛地应用于各个领域。

  • This standard describes the procedure for obtaining the Hydrostatic Design Stress ( maximum working strength ) for any thermoplastic pipe material at any practical temperature .

    这个标准描述了获得流体静力设计应力(最大工作强度)的步骤,用于任何实际温度下的任何 塑料管道 材料

  • In this study etherification reaction was applied to modify rice straw into a thermoplastic material .

    本研究利用醚化反应对稻草进行化学改 ,使其转化为 具有一定 高分子 材料

  • The theory and practice of the heat-riveting technology for thermoplastic engineering material design and its mould design were discussed . It is important supplement for the manufacturing technology of low voltage electrical apparatus and it is valuable for spreading .

    阐述了 工程 塑料件的热铆压工艺设计及其模具设计的理论和实践,对于低压电器制造工艺无疑是一个重要的丰富和补充,具有推广应用价值。

  • The infrared spectrum analysis showed that the polymerization reaction was complete and the polymer was a kind of thermoplastic material without branched chains .

    红外光谱分析表明聚合较为完全,聚合物不存在支链结构,为 材料

  • The appliances made of thermoplastic material so-called boil-and-bite devices are meant to provide an individualized fit and to be an alternative to devices made by technicians from dental casts .


  • The wing was made from a thermoplastic material using a STRATASYS 3D printer .

    这机翼是用一种使用了stratasys的3d打印机的 材料制成的。

  • A kind of manufacturing technology of 3D_woven thermoplastic composite material was designed and the micro-braided yarn was taken as the medium .

    设计了一种以包芯编带纱为中间体制作三维机织 复合 材料的方法。