thioglycolic acid

[建] 氢硫基醋酸

  • CdSe quantum dots were synthesized in aqueous solution by using thioglycolic acid as the stabilizer .

    巯基 乙酸为稳定剂,合成了CdSe量子点,用该量子点 探针 共振 瑞利 散射法测定人 血清 蛋白

  • The main matter that causes the low ratio of yield in synthesis of thioglycolic acid with sodium hydrosulphide is that it has many auxiliary reactions during reaction course .

    副反应多导致硫氢化钠法生产巯基 乙酸过程中 巯基 乙酸收率低。

  • The absorption spectra of the adducts between 1 and sulphydryl compounds such as thioglycolic acid ethyl mercaptan glutathione and the sulphydryl form of several proteins have been found to show maxima near 420m μ .

    萘醌与巯基化合物如 巯基 乙酸、乙硫醇和谷胱甘肽等有当量加成关系。加合物在波长420mμ左右有一吸收峯。

  • Star-shaped and rod-like PbS nanostructures were also synthesized by thioglycolic acid assisted hydrothermal process .

    通过 巯基 乙酸辅助水热合成技术还可以制备PbS星状结构和PbS纳米棒。

  • The determination of protein sulphydryl groups in presence of excess thioglycolic acid

    在过量 巯基 化合物存在时蛋白质中巯基的测定

  • Water-soluble CdTe QDs were synthesized in aqueous solution with thioglycolic acid as the stabilizer by one step .

    采用 水相合成法,在水溶液中一步合成了水溶性 CdTe量子点。

  • A facile green synthesis of soluble copper quantum dots is developed based on reduction of the metal precursor with sodium sulfite in the present of thioglycolic acid ligands .

    巯基 乙酸修饰 、亚硫酸钠为还原剂,提出了一种温和的绿色制备水溶性铜量子点的新方法。

  • To explore the cutaneous toxicity of thioglycolic acid ( TGA ) and to confirm the possibility of the rat pseudo skin as suitable replacement of rat skin to study cutaneous toxicology .

    探讨 巯基 乙酸(TGA)的皮肤毒作用及其拟皮肤模型替代正常皮肤应用于皮肤毒理学研究的可行性。

  • This article presents a new synthetic method of Thioglycolic Acid & reducing method of iron .

    提出一种新的合成 巯基 乙酸的方法,即铁还原法。

  • The methods of improving the selectivity of the synthesis of thioglycolic acid with sodium hydrosulphide

    提高硫氢化钠法合成 巯基 乙酸选择性的方法

  • Synthesis Progress and Application of Thioglycolic Acid

    巯基 乙酸的合成进展及应用

  • The industrial experiment in Dexing Copper Mine in2000 showed that thioglycolic acid was a quality organic depressant and could substitute Na2S completely as the depressant .

    在江西德兴铜矿进行的选钼工业试验表明, 巯基 乙酸是一种优良的有机抑制剂,能完全取代硫化钠,同时能有效地降低选矿药剂成本。

  • A Study on Technological Condition of Synthesis of Thioglycolic acid with Hydrolysis of Sodium Hydroxide and Barium Chloride

    钠钡盐水解合成 巯基 乙酸工艺的研究

  • Study on the Green Process for Synthesis of Thioglycolic Acid

    巯基 乙酸绿色合成工艺研究

  • As the adduct between thioglycolic acid and naphthoquinone can be quantitatively removed by extraction with ether this can be utilized for the determination of protein sulphydryl groups in presence of thioglycolic acid in excess .

    利用 巯基 乙酸-萘醌加合物可以被乙醚抽提 的性貭,可以在过量巯基乙酸存在时测定蛋白貭中的巯基。

  • Use of Rat Pseudo-skin to Evaluate the Cutaneous Toxicity of Thioglycolic Acid

    应用大鼠拟皮肤模型评价 巯基 乙酸的皮肤毒作用

  • CdTe semiconductor nanocrystals were synthesized in aqueous solution by using thioglycolic acid ( HSCH_ ( 2 ) COOH ) as the stabilizer .

    巯基 乙酸(HSCH2COOH)为稳定剂,在水溶液中合成半导体CdTe纳米晶。

  • Thioglycolic acid ( TGA ) is adopted as depressant against copper sulfide minerals in the flotation separation of molybdenum from copper sulfide minerals .

    巯基 乙酸是硫化铜矿物的抑制剂, 广泛用于铜钼浮选分离。

  • Objective An analyticail method of determinating thioglycolic acid in cosmetics by ion exchange chromatography suppressed conductivity detection has been developed .

    目的建立离子交换&抑制电导检测色谱法分离测定化妆品中的 巯基 乙酸

  • In this article several kinds of production process of thioglycolic acid were discussed in details the applications of thioglycolic acid were reviewed .

    综述了 巯基 乙酸的几种生产工艺并进行了比较,介绍了巯基乙酸的广泛用途。

  • Effects of Thioglycolic Acid through Percutaneous Administration to Mouse on Ovulation and Maturation of Oocyte in Vivo

    经皮 染毒 巯基 乙酸对昆明小鼠排卵及体内卵母细胞成熟的影响 丁烯 二酸 巯基 乙酯

  • The unsaturated acrylate copolymers ( photosensitive polymers ) for UV curing powder coatings were synthesized by using AIBN as initiator thioglycolic acid as chain transfer agent glycidyl methacrylate as terminating agent and benzyl triethylamine chloride as catalyst .

    以AIBN作引发剂、 巯基 乙酸作链转移剂、甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯作封端剂、苄基氯化三乙胺作催化剂,合成了紫外光固化粉末涂料用的不饱和丙烯酸酯共聚物(即光敏聚合物)。

  • Ve To study the reproductive toxicity of Thioglycolic Acid ( TGA ) in mice .

    目的探讨 巯基 乙酸(TGA)对小鼠生殖作用的影响。

  • Thioglycolic acid ( TGA ) is an important fine chemical intermediates as it contains both carboxyl and sulfhydryl it is widely used in beauty salons analysis pharmaceutical PVC production and other fields .

    巯基 乙酸(TGA)是一种重要的精细化工中间体,由于分子中同时含有羧基和巯基两个极性基团,广泛应用于美容美发、分析、医药、PVC生产等各个领域。

  • Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of high-density chitosan thioglycolic acid conjugate

    偶合 巯基壳聚糖的合成和体外评价

  • On the basis of the synthesis of Thioglycolic Acid study of the best reaction condition is made so that a reliable fundation for praetial production is laid .

    在合成 巯基 乙酸的基础上,进行了最佳反应条件的探讨和研究,为实际生产奠定了可靠的基础。

  • Effects of thioglycolic acid on lipid peroxidation and glucose-6-phosphatase activity of homogenate from rat liver

    巯基 乙酸对大鼠肝匀浆脂质过氧化及葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶活性的影响

  • An excess of phosphates in the urine . The simultaneous determination of isooctyl mercaptoacetate and thioglycolic acid by high performance liquid chromatography

    高磷酸盐尿尿中磷酸盐过量高效液相色谱法同时测定反应液中的巯基乙酸和 巯基 乙酸异辛酯

  • Application of Thioglycolic Acid in Molybdenite-copper Sulphide Separation

    巯基 乙酸在铜钼分离中的应用

  • Effects of Thioglycolic Acid on Progesterone-induced Nuclear Maturation in Xenopus Oocytes

    巯基 乙酸对爪蟾卵母细胞体外核成熟的影响