this many a day

[ðɪs ˈmɛni e de][ðis ˈmeni ə dei]


  • It 's a lot of money for families in this area many of whom live on less than a dollar a day .

    对于 那个区域的家庭来说那是一大笔收入, 很多住在那里的人 每天的生活费还不足 美元。

  • That 's why in this country where many pray five times a day the BBC has become known as the sixth prayer .

    这个 人们 每天祈祷五次的国家,听BBC成为他们的第六次祈祷。

  • Exploring this diverse country can be so inexpensive that many vacationers find that a fun-packed day in Thailand is far less expensive than a quiet night out in their own country .

    游览 这个多姿多彩的国家可以很省钱。 很多旅游者发现,在泰国度过快乐充实的 比在自己国家晚上外出一次花费的还要便宜得多。

  • Paris TN – This year 's National Social Work Month theme Social Workers Change Futures celebrates the many ways professional social workers make a difference for people every day .

    巴黎,总氮- 今年的全国社会工作月的主题,“社会工作者变更期货,”每一 庆祝 许多方面的专业社会工作者都在影响着的。

  • This daytime darkening is valuable for protection against enemies and sunlight and for many years it was thought to be a simple response by the crab to the sun-just as if we were to get a tan during the day and lose it at night .

    这种白昼黑化是针对敌人和阳光的有价值的自我保护, 很多年以来,它被认为是蟹对于太阳光的 简单反应,就像我们人类 白天皮肤被太阳晒黑,晚上又会白回来。

  • Chemistry history education is an old and young educational topic . This many a day educational person of ideals and integrity has lots of appeal and exploration in the world .

    化学史教育是一个古老而又年轻的教育话题, 很久 以来,世界各国的教育志士对科学史教育的呼吁和探索从不曾停止。

  • This might not actually be true with continuous integration as the builds are carried out many times a day .

    由于 要执行 多次构建,对持续集成 实际上不可能是真的。

  • This woman like many women of her sort had a load of caresses and a burden of blows and injuries to dispense each day .

    妇人,和 许多和她同一类型的妇人一样, 每天都有 一定数量的抚爱和一定数量的打骂要发泄。

  • Should this happen the dominant business organization of the future many not be stable permanent corporation but rather an elastic network that might sometimes exist for no more than a day or two .

    将来的优势企业 主要将以电子自由职业的形式 存在。企业不再是一个固定的公司,而是一个弹性的工作网络,有时仅存在 或两

  • This year it recruited as many as 50 workers a day after the new year hiring period . This compares with just 10 a day last year .

    今年,该公司在春节之后 每天招募的员工 多达50名,而去年每天只能招到10人。

  • His latest tweet goes like this : Worked late woke up feeling tired but driven forward by the many exciting possibilities a new day brings seize the day !

    巴特在最新的tweet消息上写道:工作到很晚,醒来时感觉疲倦,但想到新 带来的 许多令人激动的可能性,我又继续前进了珍惜每一天!

  • The main objection to this definition is that it excludes many people in China and India who are recognizably middle-class but earn less than $ 12 a day .

    反对 一定义的主要理由是,它排除了中国及印度的 许多人,这些人显见是中产阶级,只不过 日薪不足12美元。