third conviction

[θə:d kənˈvɪkʃən][θɜ:d kənˈvikʃən]

[法] 第三次定罪

  • This was her third conviction for stealing .

    这是她 偷盗罪。

  • This section focuses on three features of criminal law theory through crime analyzed from the social harm criminal violations and should be subject to penalties forthe three punitive aspects of the gambling fixing . The third part is the case conviction and sentencing .

    这一部分主要采用刑法理论通说的犯罪三特征说,从社会危害性、刑事违法性和应受刑罚惩罚性三个方面对赌球、假球进行分析。第 部分是对本案 定罪量刑的思考。

  • The third part is to the conviction the book of the law in the analysis of the specific problems and to explore the object to the case facts judicial officials han dynasty is how to determine and how to apply the law .

    部分是对《 书》中的法律问题的具体分析,并以其为对象探究汉代司法官吏对案件事实是如何认定的,又是如何适用法律的。

  • Third explain the need for marital rape conviction .

    、说明婚内强奸 的必要性。

  • The third chapter through the conviction and sentencing of relationship analysis pointed out that the two in the nature purpose and task follow the basic principles of criminal law differences .

    3章通过 定罪与量刑关系的分析,指出二者在性质、目的和任务、遵循刑法基本原则方面的差别。

  • Third is self-discipline difference namely the otherness because of individual different age 、 role 、 mental state 、 ideal conviction .

    是自律性差异,即个体年龄、角色、心理、理想 信念不同所表现出的差异性。

  • The third part is the judicial application of crime mob crime mob is to study explained the applicable principles of justice and the conviction and sentencing issues .

    部分是聚众犯罪的司法适用,主要是研究阐述聚众犯罪的司法适用原则和 定罪量刑相关问题。