


  • The application of Glycine derivative in medicine is an active research field such as improving in thiamphenicol and β - lactam antibiotic synthesizing intermediate of anticancer drug and so on .

    甘氨酸衍生物在医药方面的应用是 近年来较为活跃的研究领域,如甘氨酸衍生物可增强 和β-内酰胺抗生素的药效,合成抗肿瘤药物的中间体等。

  • A method for the determination of chloramphenicol thiamphenicol and florfenicol residues in original animal food by HPLC-ESI-MS / MS was developed .

    建立了动物源产品中氯霉素、 、氟苯尼考残留量的高效液相色谱-电喷雾电离 四极 质谱(LC-ESI-MS/MS)的方法。

  • Chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol belong to phenicols broad-spectrum antibiotic and were widely used to prevent and treat infectious disease of animals effectively in clinic .

    氯霉素和 属于酰胺醇类广谱抗生素,临床上广泛用于预防和治疗动物感染性疾病。

  • The formation of inclusion compound of thiamphenicol β cyclodextrin was confirmed by UV and phase diagram . RESULTS : β cyclodextrin helped enhance the solubility about 2.84 times dissolution rate in 30 minutes increased from 7.37 % to 35.02 % .

    结果: β环糊精包合物可以提高 的溶解度2.84倍,30min的溶出度由7.37%提高到35.02%。

  • CONCLUSION : The results indicated that the solubility and dissolution rate of thiamphenicol were significantly increased when the drug was included by β cyclodextrin .

    结论: 与β环糊精能形成包合物,且能显著提高其溶解度和溶出速度。

  • Many countries and organizations set down MRLs of chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol in food derived from animals respectively .

    所以世界上许多国家和国际组织规定了动物性食品中氯霉素和 的最大残留限量。

  • Study on Analytical Method for Determination of Thiamphenicol Residues in Fish

    鱼肉中 残留的分析方法研究

  • A Gas Chromatography method was developed to simultaneously determine chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol residues in edible tissues of swine .

    为检测猪可食用组织中氯霉素和 残留,建立了同时检测这两种残留药物的气相色谱方法。

  • Preparation and Identification of Inclusion Complex of Thiamphenicol HP - β - cyclodextrin Radioactive synthesis of β - elemene Re ( CO ) _3 derivative

    丙基-β-环糊精包合物的研制β-榄香烯 羰基铼衍生物的放射化学合成

  • Simultaneous Determination of Chloramphenicol and Thiamphenicol in Fish Tissues by Capillary GC-ECD

    同时测定鱼肉中氯霉素和 残留量的毛细管气相色谱法

  • Determination of chloramphenicol thiamphenicol and florfenicol residue in original animal food by HPLC-ESI-MS / MS A Preliminary Discussion of the Major Problems in Quality Safety of Animal-sourced Products and the Countermeasures

    高效液相色谱-电喷雾电离三级四极 质谱检测动物源食品中氯霉素、 、氟苯尼考残留量动物源食品质量安全存在的主要问题及对策

  • OBJECTIVE To determine the content of Thiamphenicol capsule .

    目的建立测定 胶囊含量的方法。

  • Chiral Resolution of Precursor of Chloramphenicol and Thiamphenicol by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis

    氯霉素前体和 前体的毛细管电泳手性分离

  • Development of a Gas Chromatography Method for the Determination of Chloramphenicol and Thiamphenicol Residues in Edible Tissues of Swine

    猪可食组织中氯霉素和 残留检测气相色谱法建立

  • OBJECTIVE : To improve the solubility and dissolution rate of thiamphenicol .

    目的: 增加 的溶解度和溶出度,提高 药物体内 生物 利用度。

  • Studies on Delepine reaction of thiamphenicol glycinate hydrochloride

    氯乙酸酯 Delepine反应的研究

  • Conclusion Compound ammonium glycyrrhetate combined with thiamphenicol has obvious effects on palmoplantar pustulosis with few side-effects .

    目的观察复方甘草酸单铵联合 治疗掌跖脓疱病的临床疗效。

  • Clinical Observation of Magnesium Sulphate United with Thiamphenicol on Treating Zumbusch Pattern Psoriasis Pustulosa

    硫酸镁联合 治疗泛发性脓疱型银屑病的临床疗效观察

  • A high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method was established for simultaneous determination of residues of chloramphenicol ( CAP ) thiamphenicol ( TAP ) and florfenicol ( FF ) in shrimp .

    用高效液相色谱/串联质谱(LC/MS/MS)同时测定虾中的氯霉素(CAP)、 (TAP)和氟 (FF)。

  • Florfenicol was synthesis in this paper . By combination principle four new compounds were designed and synthesized combining anti-bacterial drugs ( thiamphenicol and one of its intermediate ) with the pieces of anti-inflammation drugs .

    本课题合成了氟苯尼考,并根据拼合原理将抗菌药甲 及其中间体与抗炎药物片段结合起来,设计并合成了4个新化合物。

  • METHODS : The inclusion compound of thiamphenicol β cyclodextrins was prepared by the coprecipitation method and its properties were investigated .

    方法:采用共沉淀法制备 的β环糊精包合物,以 折光率控制包合工艺,用 光谱法及 溶解度图法进行鉴定,并考察其性质。

  • Development of Methods for Determination and Confirmation of Chloramphenicol and Thiamphenicol Residues in Food Derived from Animals

    动物性食品中氯霉素和 残留的定量及确证方法建立

  • Determination of Thiamphenicol and Its Tablet by RP-HPLC

    RP-HPLC测定 原料及其片剂的含量

  • CONCLUSION The method is simple sensitive accurate and can be used for the determination of Thiamphenicol capsule .

    结论所用方法简便、灵敏,结果准确可靠,可用于 胶囊的 质量 控制

  • Simultaneous determination of residues of chloramphenicol thiamphenicol and florfenicol in aquatic products by gas chromatographic method with electron capture detection

    毛细管电子捕获气相色谱法同时测定水产品中氯霉素、 和氟 残留

  • The Pharmacokinetic Comparison between Thiamphenicol and HP - β - CD Thiamphenicol in Rabbit
