tied aid


  • Tied aid the preferred mode of operation of western donors since the postwar period would now be embraced by China .

    条件 援助是西方援助国在战后青睐的模式,现在也应为中国所采用。

  • One is to promote and participate in the series of negotiations on tied aid together with other OECD member countries and formulate the rules directly .

    一是推动并参与经合组织成员国关于 限制援助的一系列谈判,直接参与游戏规则的制定。

  • Tied aid capital projects fund ;

    附带 条件 援助的资本项目基金;

  • Tied aid has been a feature of European American and Japanese assistance to poor nations for decades .

    数十年来, 捆绑 援助一直是欧美和日本为贫穷国家提供援助的特点。

  • In total according to Mr Xiaojie Chinese banks and companies are providing more than $ 4bn in credit lines and tied aid to Ethiopia a figure that places Beijing among the country 's foremost partners and which explains the aphorism .

    顾小杰称,中国银行和企业向埃塞俄比亚提供的信贷额度和 限制援助总额超过40亿美元,使中国成为埃塞俄比亚最重要的合作伙伴之一,这也解释了前文提到的格言。

  • New profits and freedom from the pay limits tied to federal aid mean bankers can again receive big bonuses .

    来自支出 限制 联邦 援助的新效益及自由意味着银行家可以再次获得巨大的利润。