


  • We are in the last throes of the US dollar bull party he warns .

    布卢姆警告道:我们处于美元上涨盛宴的最后 阵痛 阶段

  • Despite being in the throes of school exams Tamsin made the long trek from Liverpool .

    虽然还要忙着准备学校的考试, 塔姆辛还是完成了从利物浦出发的漫长而艰辛的跋涉。

  • When the ancient world was in its last throes the ancient religions were overcome by Christianity .

    当古代世界 走向 灭亡的时候,古代的各种宗教就被基督教战胜了。

  • My brother is in the throes of a mid-life crisis which makes him rather difficult to live with .

    我兄弟处于中年危机的 痛苦 时期,很难与他一起生活。

  • The dead tycoon 's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire .

    这位已故大亨的儿子们将坐在豪华的办公室 ,目睹这个家族帝国 崩溃 痛苦 挣扎

  • We understand that a great majority of earthly Souls are in the throes of pain suffering and uncertainty .

    我们理解大部分的地球层面的精神体 处于 产前 阵痛中,痛苦,骚动。

  • The country is in the throes of a general election

    该国正 忙于大选。

  • Their work is a despairing metaphor for a society in its death throes

    他们的作品是对一个 正在 垂死挣扎的社会的绝望隐喻。

  • The country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the second world war .

    国家目前正处于二战后最萧条的 动荡时期。

  • What he mistook for the death throes of the capitalist era turned out to be its birth pangs .

    他误以为 垂死挣扎的资本主义时代到头来只是它的阵痛而已。

  • We watched the death throes of the bird which had flown into the window .

    我们看见了一只飞进窗内的小鸟在 垂死挣扎

  • America and other advanced nations are now in the early throes of a new jobs transformation which requires an equally imaginative response .

    美国与其它发达国家如今正 经历就业 市场又一次转型的早期 阵痛,这要求它们作出同样富有想象力的回应。

  • Jack was in the throes of preparing for final exams so he forgot about my birthday .

    杰克在 努力准备期末考,所以忘了我的生日。

  • The creature went into its death throes .

    这小生命到了 临终 疼痛 阶段

  • Why can 't we practise euthanasia to stop the throes ?

    为什么不能用安乐死来结束 他的 痛苦

  • When you 're in the throes of new love your prefrontal cortex also gets into the action anticipating more time together and planning future events .

    当你陷入爱情的 苦恼时,你的前额皮质也会活跃,你会期望更多的相处时间并对未来做出计划。

  • The Ganges River was in the throes of one of the worst floods it had ever known .


  • I may have seen some of you over the past few months at events but for the most part I 've been undercover and deep in the throes of production .

    在过去几个月的活动中,我也许有和你们其中的一些人见面,但是大部分时间我都在暗中 承受 创作 痛苦

  • A country in the throes of a fossil fuel boom will not readily welcome a message of restraint .

    一个 处于 孕育化石燃料繁荣 阵痛 的国家,不大会欢迎限制 排放的信号。

  • In a massive star 's death throes it can blast most of its outer material into space .

    在一个巨大星球的 垂死挣扎时,它可能将自己大部分外层物质炸入太空。

  • Huge impact force and inertia will be lying on the bunk of the Liu Xudong throwing up when he first thing that strikes the left eyebrow throes a while then blood will be covered in one eye sight .

    巨大的撞击力和惯性将躺在铺位上的 刘旭东抛了起来,当时,他只觉左眉一阵巨痛,随即鲜血便遮住了左眼视线。

  • This country is in the throes of war .

    这个国家处于战争的 痛苦中。

  • Throes of it should be a more regular interval of time is the law .

    阵痛 ,应该是比较有规律的,间隔的时间是有规律的。

  • Black holes can be seen via the death throes of the matter being sucked in .

    经由正被吸引物质死亡 阵痛能看见黑洞。

  • By 1740 European feudalism was in its death throes .


  • Only barbarians are able to rejuvenate a world in the throes of collapsing civilization .

    的确,只有野蛮人才能使一个在垂死的文明中 挣扎的世界年轻 起来

  • England was in the throes of a parliamentary campaign .

    英国处于国会竞选的 阵痛 之中

  • In its death throes it is an eerie microcosm of the eurozone .

    它的 垂死挣扎,正是欧元区一个阴森恐怖的缩影。

  • Have you ever called out the wrong name in the throes of passion ?

    你是否曾经在 剧烈 痛苦之中叫错名子?