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  • The hotel is a modern three-star hotel jointly invested by Beijing and Shenzhen with newly-style building advanced equipments and multiple-function facilities .

    本宾馆是由北京与深圳共同投资兴建的一座建筑新颖、设备先进、功能齐全的现代化 星级宾馆。

  • Eight scored Michelin 's coveted three-star rating ( five serving Japanese cuisine and three French establishments ) 25 scored two stars and 117 gained one star .

    8家餐厅获得了令人垂涎的米其林 3星评级(其中5 供应日式料理,3家供应法式美食),25 获得了2颗星,117 获得了1颗星。

  • Michelin named the world 's first three-star Chinese restaurant yesterday as it prepared to publish its debut Hong Kong and Macao guide to recognise the gastronomy of the two Chinese cities .

    米其林(Michelin)昨日评出全球首家 星级中餐厅。米其林正准备出版其首份香港和澳门指南,认可这两座中国城市的美食。

  • Yunda Hotel is a three-star business hotel which locates next Yunnan University in the east with beautiful landscape and convenient transport .

    云大宾馆是准 星级商务型宾馆,坐落在风景秀美的云南大学西侧,交通十分便利。

  • But all this sound and fury over whether or not a restaurant deserves a three-star rating is not really the point .

    但是,围绕一家餐厅是否有资格获得 三星 荣誉的争议,并非关键。

  • The first three-star green building in the Expo Park rebuilt based on an old factory .

    上海世博园内的国内首 经老厂房改建而成的“ 三星 绿色建筑”。

  • Prices at three-star hotels fell furthest in several northern cities .


  • Some competitors have dubbed it a six-star casino in a three-star location .

    一些竞争对手戏称该赌场为 三星地段上的六星赌场。

  • The OPM is the central repository for information on a US ambassador or a three-star general or a single kid in Nevada flying a drone for the army he said .

    人事管理局是政府雇员的中央资料库,无论其是一名美国大使、一名 星级将军,还是一名在内华达州为陆军操纵无人机的单身年轻人,他说。

  • With the exception of Tokyo which has nine three-star restaurants three-star eateries can be scarce in financial centres . New York has four and London has just one .

    除了东京拥有9 星级餐厅以外,金融中心的三星级餐厅很少,纽约拥有4家,而伦敦仅有1家。

  • Lakeside Hotel is a three-star hotel which situated on the bank with lovely views of North-lake .

    环湖宾馆位于美丽的北湖之畔,是 三星 涉外宾馆。

  • All the travellers lodged in a three-star hotel .

    所有的旅客都住在一 星级饭店里。

  • Four restaurants have been awarded the highest accolade of a three-star rating .

    四家餐馆获授予 星级餐馆的最高荣誉称号。

  • What is the go price for two week in a three-star hotel in cyprus ?

    在赛 路斯的 三星 饭店住两周的现价是多少?

  • In five years the Sister Hotel will occupied three beach city march into three three-star hotel and set a totally new model of training in hotel along Sanya city .

    在未来的五年里,三水港湾将在南国的三个海滨城市、 每个城市投资管理三个三 星级的酒店,并在三亚修建全新的学习型酒店 三水港湾。

  • There are10five-star restaurants and more than20four-star 's in Shanghai and the three-star 's are almost countless .

    上海有10家五星级酒店和20多家 星级酒店, 星级酒店多的几乎数不过来。

  • This for it will be towards the threshold of the coin collection field three-star laid a foundation is also a lot collectors identify whether there be collection value in the workplace .

    这为它今后能迈进钱币收藏领域 三星 的门槛奠定了基础,也是很多收藏家鉴定 票券是否有收藏价值的首要条件。

  • Home ; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star

    激进书籍的出版商却在 三星 餐厅 享用一日三餐; 倡导在人

  • In the future the Three-star Company is going to get to a new height based on Qingdao which is a natural harbor with very convenient railway highway water and air transportation .

    未来, 三星公司将凭借青岛这个铁路、公路、水陆、航空四通八达的天然良港,进入 辉煌的新里程。

  • Huanghuagang International Hotel is a three-star standard design on the decoration of the modern hotel .

    黄花岗国际酒店是一 星级标准设计装修的现代化酒店。

  • No Japanese city breathes Japan 's feudal air as deeply . Few places feel as conservative or further removed from the culture of Michelin three-star restaurants .

    没有其它哪个日本城市有它这么浓郁的日本封建气息,也鲜有如此守旧之地,远离米其林(Michelin) 三星餐厅的文明。

  • A three-star hotel is better than a two-star .

    三星 宾馆比两星级宾馆要好。

  • He does not give you second-rated food he serves you top class-he is a three-star Michelin !

    他不会给你二等的食物,而是最高级的&他是一个 星级的Michelin!

  • XK Hollyear hotel has become a three-star tourist hotel of National Tourism Administration in September of2004 .

    湘科和一大酒店于2004年9月荣膺国家旅游局 三星 旅游饭店。

  • Pratas Hotels located in the beautiful scenery along the Pearl River Line Daishatou Road on the22nd is a three-star standard design on the decoration of guesthouses .

    广州大沙岛宾馆座落于美丽的珠江沿岸风景线大沙头路22号,是一 星级标准设计装修的宾馆。

  • When I go to Paris I like to stay in the best places but all I could get this time was a room in a three-star hotel .

    到巴黎时,我希望能住在最高级的地方;但这回,我只能在 三星 饭店要到房间。

  • Our hotel is a three-star hotel located at the West Lake .

    我们饭店是一所位于西子湖畔的 三星 涉外饭店。

  • If you 're out in a three-star restaurant how do you split the bill when he is a super-millionaire ?

    如果你和朋友一起外出,到一 三星 的餐馆吃饭,而他是一个超级富有的百万富翁,你们如何分付帐单?

  • Hotels have won the three-star hotel in Inner Mongolia best title .

    宾馆曾 荣获内蒙古自治区最佳 星级饭店称号。