


  • Some thought he has obsessed to the point of danger and urged him to quit even calling him a three-legged horse who should be stopped .

    有的人觉得他已经专注到危险的地步,并敦促他放弃,甚至称他为 了一 条腿的马,应该停下来了。

  • We had a research three-legged gait on hexapod bio-robot and had a detailed analysis on straight walking gait and turning gait .

    研究了六足仿生机器人 步态,详细分析了直线行走步态和定点转弯步态,给出了直行和转弯动作时机器人6条腿的末端位置矢量表达式。

  • It 's a bit like the proverbial three-legged stool . If one of the legs is a bit short of the others the experience is at best uneven .

    有如 俗谚所说的 脚凳,如果一条腿比另 短,那么整个体验最多也 称得上不均衡。

  • Each is perched on her three-legged stool in front of her instrument .

    每个女孩子都坐在琴前的 脚凳上。

  • Capital labor and brains & and all as equally essential in business as each leg of a three-legged stool .

    资本,劳工,和脑力在商务上同样重要, 犹如 脚架上的每一只脚。

  • Anna and Vera entered for a three-legged race .

    安娜和维拉报名参加 赛跑

  • Three-legged race means that two people form a group with their one-leg tied and they will walk for contest with three legs .

    ”是两人为一组,各把一 腿绑在一起,用三条腿竞走的。

  • There are three three-legged tables .

    那里有三 条腿的桌子。

  • The poems rhyme too determinedly ungainly as pairs tied together in a three-legged race .

    这些诗的韵脚硬绑绑的,象两 把一条 腿绑在一起参加 竞走那样笨拙。

  • The soul of Domingos even appears disguised as a three-legged dog .

    多明戈斯的灵魂甚至扮成 条腿的狗出现。

  • Having eaten their fill of hot dogs burgers and potato salad everyone eagerly throws themselves into a program of often quirky activities like three-legged races and pie-eating contests .

    在享用完丰盛的热狗、汉堡包和土豆沙拉之后,人们迫不及待地加入到一些妙趣横生的活动中,如 三脚跑、吃派竞赛等等。

  • This place is famous for them three-legged bitches .

    这地方的 很出名。

  • TOKYO & The Japanese prime minister and central bank governor have cooperated so closely over the last two years that their relationship is routinely likened to a three-legged race .

    东京&过去两年,日本首相和央行行长进行了十分密切的合作,以至于他们的关系经常被人比作 赛跑。

  • A three-legged chair was in the centre of the stage .

    舞台中间 条腿的椅子。

  • A three-legged parallel robot with three horizontal sliders for steel conditioning grinding

    水平滑块式三杆并联 钢锭修磨机器人

  • Martin Gross a researcher at Germany 's University of Jena has had multiple three-legged dogs run on treadmills while infra-red cameras record their movements .

    马丁格罗斯在德国耶拿大学的研究人员,已经有多个 三脚狗在跑步机上运行,而红外线摄影机记录他们的动作。

  • Per the numbers in the figure above when the OAuth three-legged handshake starts

    依照上图编号,当OAuth three-legged握手启动时

  • Believe me sister and men are more than three-legged frog much more .

    相信我,妹妹,男人多的是,比 条腿的青蛙多得多。

  • Based on the three-legged gait characteristics of six-legged beetle I analyzed the gait of hexapod bio-robot including the straight walking gait and the turning gait . ( 3 ) I did the kinematics analysis on hexapod bio-robot according to the theory of robot kinematics .

    根据六足甲虫的 步态特征,研究分析了六足仿生机器人的步态,包括直线行走步态和转弯步态。

  • Come on man there 's gotta be something that gets you choked up ! Like uh uh oh what if you saw a three-legged puppy ?

    得了吧,肯定有什么事能让你哭。比如,看见一只 条腿的小狗?

  • Mr. Mujica 's lifestyle includes living on a modest farm and driving an aging weathered Volkswagen Beetle . His three-legged dog is his almost-constant companion .

    他住在一个简陋的农场,开一辆老旧的大众甲壳虫汽车,他身边的伙伴是一只3 条腿的狗。

  • After the telecom reorganization the communications industry three-legged full pattern of the formation of an increasingly competitive market while a large number of channel conflict there is a big shadow to ring the communication development of enterprises .

    电信重组后,通信行业三 鼎力格局形成,市场竞争日趋激烈,而渠道冲突的大量存在极大影地响了通信企业的发展。

  • I don 't remember too much about these but there was one race that will forever be lodged in my memory & the three-legged race .

    这些我记得不太清楚了,但有一个比赛我将永远不能忘记& 比赛。

  • Each girl sat down on her three-legged stool her face sideways her right cheek resting against the cow ; and looked musingly along the animal 's flank at Tess as she approached .

    所有的女孩子都坐在 条腿的凳子上,侧着脸,右脸颊靠着牛肚子;苔丝走过来时,她们都沿着牛肚子不声不响地看着她。

  • A three-legged stand used for support .

    用于支撑的 退 架子

  • To figure out how robots could adjust to losing a limb scientists are examining the remarkable adaptations of three-legged dogs .

    为了弄清楚如何机器人可以适应失去肢体,科学家正在研究的 条腿的狗出卓越的适应。

  • Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table all made of solid glass : there was nothing on it but a tiny golden key and Alice 's first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall ; but alas !

    突然,她发现了一 条腿的小桌,桌子是玻璃做的。桌上除了一把很小的金钥匙,什么也没有,爱丽丝一下就想到这钥匙可能是哪个门上的。

  • A low three-legged stool with a half-rounded seat ; used to sit on while milking a cow .

    有一个半圆形面的 条腿的矮凳;用于挤奶时坐。

  • One bronze he ( three-legged vessel used to warm cold wine with hot water in it ) features a human face with a pair of dragon horns .

    有的 人兽 合体头生龙角的人面青铜

  • A three-legged metal stand for supporting a cooking vessel in a hearth .

    炉膛里支撑烹饪用具的 条腿的金属架。