


  • The quality control of the three-colour laser numerical technological process for the formation of image


  • Methods Three-colour direct immunofluorescence staining and multiparameter flow cytometry were used for analysis of 13 samples of immunophenotyping of multiple myeloma patients .

    方法采用 三色免疫荧光直接标记法及多参数流式细胞术分析13例多发性骨髓瘤的免疫表型。

  • The risk management process including risk identification risk assessment and risk control in three stages respectively to implement the three-colour warning warning mechanism . The blue and red orange signal warning three layer .

    廉政风险防控的过程包括风险识别、风险评估和风险控制三个阶段,分别实行 三色预警警示机制,即蓝色预警、橙色预警和红色预警三层警示。

  • Methods T lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood of psoriatic patients and controls were stained by a three-colour immunofluorescent antibody after stimulation with ionomycin / PMA in the presence of monensin which inhibited exocytosis of these cytokines .

    方法银屑病患者和正常人外周血经碘诺霉素和佛波酯刺激( 同时加莫能星抑制细胞因子向细胞外 转移)后用 三色荧光抗体染色;

  • Establishing methodology and clinical application of detection of T lymphocyte subsets by three-colour immunofluorescence


  • Three-colour process : Process work using the yellow magenta and cyan without black .

    三色 彩印:用黄,洋红及青蓝而不加黑的 彩色 印刷方法。

  • Three-colour measurement of furnace 's flame temperature field distribution based on colour CCD

    基于彩色CCD的 三色 测量炉膛火焰温度场分布

  • The research on temperature measurement using three-colour radiation with optical fiber link

    三色 辐射光纤测温仪的研究

  • Microcomputer Real_time Control System of Three-colour Hosiery Machine

    提花 袜机微型机实时控制系统