[化] 四氢异┭唑吡啶酮

  • The thesis analyzes the history economic developing data of Tianjin Hi-tech Industry Park ( THIP ) first time to divide the system layering a regulation for proceeding analysis from inside describing the regular pattern of THIP area economy developing .

    本论文首次对 园区经济发展的历史数据分系统分层次进行分析,从中解读园区经济发展的规律;

  • The research results are of great importance and practical applications for the forecasting and planning of THIP area economic development .

    研究结果对 天津 技术 产业 园区经济发展的预测和规划具有重要的实际应用意义。

  • This abnormal maternal behaviour was reversed and pup survival increased after the mice were given a drug THIP that restored the protein 's function .

    在给这些老鼠 了一种恢复蛋白质功能的药物 &THIP后,这种反常的母性行为得到 根本 改变 的成活 也有所上升。