throttle valve


  • Study on dynamic characteristics of metering-out control system of series-connecting throttle valve on the return oil-line

    节流 出口节流调速系统动态特性研究

  • Brief Introduction of a New Digital Ball-type Charging Throttle Valve in Bell-less Top Equipment

    无料钟炉顶设备中一种新型球式数字缸料 调节 的简介

  • The air filter is usually located in the air stream to your throttle valve assembly and intake manifold .

    空气滤清器通常位于空气流到你的 节流 总成和进气歧管。

  • Numerical Simulation Analysis of Transient Stability of Electric Power System Emulation of Steady-state Characteristic for Water Hydraulic Proportional Throttle Valve

    电力系统暂态稳定性的数值仿真研究水压比例 节流 的稳态特性仿真分析

  • Throttle valve role is the export of high-pressure liquid coolant condensers to reduce and regulate the flow of relief .

    节流 的用途是对冷凝器输出的高压液态制冷剂进行节流降压和调节流量。

  • A throttle valve control device is composed of a stator core with a solenoid and a rotor carrying a throttle valve .

    一种 节流 控制装置,包括一个带螺线管的定子铁芯和一个带节流阀的转子。

  • The exhaust gas ingredients of pulse engines with five different combustion chamber volumes throttle valve at small middle and wide opening positions respectively are tested .

    对五种不同燃烧室体积的脉冲发动机在小、中和大 油门开度三种 供油条件下测定其排放物。

  • Modeling and validation of high speed and large flow cartridge proportional throttle valve

    高速大流量插装式比例 节流 的建模与验证

  • It is certainly worse by the pressure reducing valve hydraulic throttle valve and the short form of three parts .

    它由定差减压阀,液动 换向 和简式 节流 三部分组成。

  • Simulation Research on Flow Field Characteristics at Small Opening of Throttle Valve and Relation to Minimal Steady Flow Rate

    节流 小开度下流场仿真和最小稳定流量研究

  • Analysis to Operation Mode of 300 MW Air Cooled Turbine Throttle Valve

    300MW空冷汽轮机 调节 运行方式分析

  • Design and calculation of abrasive belt grinding device in fixation-girder portal milling-grind machine above throttle valve EGR system

    定梁龙门铣磨床砂带磨削装置的设计计算 节气 前EGR系统

  • It is found in a compartment in an air duct to the throttle valve assembly under the hood of your car .

    它发现于一节车厢里,在一个风管 节流 总成,引擎盖下你的车。

  • Treatment to Control Oil Leakage Fault of Steam Turbine High Pressure Main Throttle Valve

    汽轮机高压主 汽门控制油泄漏故障处理

  • Gasoline injection Throttle valve Sensor ;

    汽油喷射; 节气 ;传感器;

  • Matlab-based Computer Simulation of Speed Control Hydraulic Circuit with Throttle Valve

    基于MATLAB的 节流 调速液压回路计算机仿真

  • A hand operated lever that controls the throttle valve .

    控制 节流 流量的手 杠杆。

  • In this paper a method of entropy has been used to investigate vortex tube throttle valve and expansion turbine .

    本文利用熵法对涡流管、透平膨胀机及 节流 三种装置进行了研究。

  • When the throttle valve opens suddenly the air-fuel mixture responds by leaning out briefly .

    气门突然 大时,混合气会暂时变稀。

  • Emulation of Steady-state Characteristic for Water Hydraulic Proportional Throttle Valve

    水压比例 节流 的稳态特性仿真分析

  • Further opening the throttle valve activated the main fuel jet .

    节流 进一步打开时,主喷口开始工作。

  • This is a gate valve ( check valve butterfly valve cut-off valve magnetic valve remote valve relief valve throttle valve cock ) .

    这是一个闸阀(止回阀、蝶阀、切断阀、电磁阀、遥控阀、安全阀、 节流 、旋塞)。

  • The large flow and high response proportional throttle valve is one of the most important content in the high performance Die Casting Machine .

    本论文着重阐述了一种应用于压铸机的大流量高响应比例 节流 设计、仿真和 试验

  • The adjusting of screw prevents the throttle valve from moving to the fully closed position .

    调节螺钉防止 节气 运动到全关闭位置。

  • If the accelerator pedal is now moved towards throttle valve open again gearshifts are performed once again according to the driver request .

    如果此时再次将油门踏板移向 节气 “开启”的位置,则会按照驾驶员请求再次执行换档。

  • Below throttle valve EGR system

    节气 后EGR系统

  • A pedal that controls the throttle valve .

    控制 节流 流量的杠杆。

  • The wellhead throttle valve is made up of nozzle plunger-shaped spool throttle value valve body and valve rod etc.

    该井口 节流 由喷嘴、柱塞形阀芯、节流轴、阀体、阀杆等组成。

  • Reduced pressure near the partially closed throttle valve caused the fuel to flow from the idling jet into the intake air .

    由于部分关闭的 节流 附近的压力下降,燃油由怠速喷口喷入吸进的空气。

  • Design Improvement of Valve Spool for Proportional Throttle Valve

    位移电反馈型比例 节流 的阀芯设计改进