
[ˈbɛduɪn, ˈbɛdwɪn][ˈbeduɪn]


  • The Negev 's Bedouin are forming a Council of Bedouin Tribes .

    内盖夫沙 因人成立一个贝都因部落的理事会。

  • But when Bedouin already living there want to go on living in the same place it is considered an effort to take over state lands .

    但是当已经住在那里的 因人想住在同样的地方,就被认为是占领整个国家。

  • Central location breath-taking views unique concept lounge great food and delicious drinks all under one Bedouin – Come and release your flavours .

    市中心的绝佳地理位置,叹为观止的美丽景色,风格独特的摩洛哥酒吧,美味的食物和酒水尽在芭 芭露莎的“给力星期一”。

  • Bedouin who can prove entitlement will receive half their land or compensation .

    能够证明自己权利的 因人可以得到一半土地或者补偿。

  • After a short ride on these ships of the desert settle down for dinner on low cushions in Bedouin tents .

    短暂地骑乘这些「沙漠之舟」后,你就可以安然地在 贝都因 帐篷里的低矮座垫上歇息并享用晚餐。

  • Alongside Wadi Naam a dusty Bedouin camp of4 people a toxic waste plant puffs away .

    沿着旺地那阿姆,灰尘飞扬的的4000人的 因人驻地,一个有毒的垃圾处理厂冒出滚滚浓烟。

  • You can even dress in traditional Bedouin clothing to make your experience more authentic .

    你甚至可以穿戴传统的 贝都因 服饰,让你的体验多几 真实感。

  • They are presented as patriarchal Bedouin chiefs . Divine right is the doctrine that the king stands toward his people in loco parentis .

    他们被描写为父权家长制的 式酋长。神权之义即国王对待人民应如同家人父子。

  • When I asked about the origin of the coffee beans ( traditionally from Yemen ) I was told that Ethiopia was now the preferred source for the connoisseur of Bedouin coffee which is served unsweetened in tiny cups .

    当我问及咖啡豆的原产地时(传统上来自也门),有人告诉我埃塞俄比亚现在是 贝多 咖啡行家的首选产地,这种咖啡盛在小杯中,不加糖。

  • A century ago it was a tranquil town whose coral-and-gypsum huts housed Bedouin traders and pearl divers .

    一百年前,它还是一个宁静的小城, 贝都因商人和采珠人住在由珊瑚和石膏筑成的小屋里。

  • A nomadic desert people Bedouin are hardy but unruly troops .

    因为沙漠游牧部落,其部民强悍 桀骜

  • This year he went to New York to ask the UN 's Forum on Indigenous Peoples to recognise the Bedouin as an ethnic-minority people with rights to tribal lands .

    今年他到纽约联合国的土著人民论坛要求承认 因人作为少数族裔人和部落领土的权利。

  • To cap it all religious Jews recently torched a mosque in Tuba a Bedouin town in the north of the West Bank .

    最极端的行为是在西岸的北边 贝都因镇的图巴(Tuba),犹太宗教人士最近烧毁了一座清真寺。

  • Concentrated in new towns he adds the Bedouin will get all the services they are now denied .

    “集中”在新的城镇,他补充, 因人将能得到现在他们拒绝的所有服务。

  • Many of Sinai 's angry Bedouin carry Israeli mobile telephones renewing contact across borders after decades of separation .

    一些西奈愤怒的 因人用以色列的移动电话,在分开几十年后跨越边界更新联系。

  • Bedouin guides wrapped in blankets rest atop Mt. Sinai in Egypt on Aug. 3 2007 .

    去年八月三日,用布毯裹身的 贝多 向导在埃及西乃山上休憩。

  • The sole Bedou in Israel 's parliament Taleb al-Sana warns of a Bedouin intifada if the planners persist .

    以色列议会唯一的贝都因人塔勒布·奥萨那警告如果计划者坚持,就可能面对贝都 因人的起义。

  • Tintin Snowy and Captain Haddock meet Native Americans and cowboys Bedouin in North Africa discover Egyptian mummies meet Scotsmen in kilts and even fly to the moon .

    丁丁、白雪和船长阿道克遇到了美洲原住民和牛仔,以及北非 因人,发现了埃及木乃伊,遇到了穿着方格呢短裙的苏格兰人,甚至还飞上了月球。

  • The Bedouin always have right of way .

    更好的人总有 优先 使用道路的权利。

  • They are members of a Bedouin tribe .

    他们是 部落的成员。

  • As voting got underway an explosion killed two Israeli Bedouin Arabs near the Gaza border .

    在选民投票之际,加沙边界附近发生爆炸,两名以色列 贝都因阿拉伯人丧生。

  • Bedouin tribes attack Turkish stronghold .


  • The Arabian developed in a desert climate and was prized by the nomadic Bedouin people often being brought inside the family tent for shelter and protection from theft .

    阿拉伯开发中的沙漠气候和珍贵的游牧的 因人,往往带来住房和保护被盗窃的家庭帐篷内。

  • Might a pan-Bedouin identity yet arise linking the Bedouin under Israeli rule with the million or so scattered across the region ?

    会不会有一个泛 贝都因群体的崛起从而将生活的以色列统治下的 因人和所有这个地区大约上百万四分五裂的人们联系在一起呢?

  • THE Bedouin of Israel are not a happy lot .

    以色列的 因人不是很开心。

  • Nearly half the Negev 's Bedouin live in villages often predating the state but officially unrecognised and so denied state support .

    将近一半在内盖夫的 因人早在这个国家成立之前就住在镇子里但是不被官方承认,也否认国家支持。