


v.弄脏,弄湿,弄皱( bedraggle的过去式和过去分词 )

  • Glinski says two men approached him one a bedraggled Polish officer the other a dapper Englishman .

    格林斯基说,两名男子走近他,其中一位是 衣衫 的波兰军官,另一位是衣冠楚楚的英国人。

  • We drove to the ' Free Body Culture ' property which involved a body of fresh water expanses of bedraggled grass richly festooned with goose and duck droppings and a few stunted trees .

    我们驾车前往自由身体文化的活动场地,那里有一片淡水湖,广阔的 草地上满是鹅和鸭的粪便,还有几棵矮小的树木。

  • She came in looking grubby and bedraggled .

    她一 泥泞 邋遢地走了进来。

  • The beggar 's bedraggled clothes ; scarecrows in battered hats or draggled skirts . He wanted to buy a & 300 fur coat for his wife but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him .

    乞丐那 浑身 泥污的衣服;带着破帽子或者穿着脏透了的裙子的稻草人。要为妻子买一专人价值300英镑的手表,但店员见他浑身泥水的样子,竟不肯接待他。

  • Scarlett was afraid someone would notice her bedraggled state and realize that this was her only nice dress .

    思嘉生怕有人注意到她 邋遢 ,从而明白她 原来只有这一件漂亮衣裳。

  • But incredibly TWO years later she found her bedraggled starving pet waiting on her doorstep when she returned to her home in Liska Russia .

    但让人难以置信的是,两年后的一天,当她回到她在俄罗斯利斯卡的家时,她发现这只小猫咪在门阶那儿等她, 的,快要饿死了。

  • He looked weary and bedraggled .

    他看上去又疲惫,又 邋遢

  • He hadn 't dared approach her house though because judging by her sister 's reaction he was sure her parents would not take kindly to his bedraggled appearance .

    他不敢去她家,因为从她姐姐的反应看,她爸妈肯定也看不上他 的样子。

  • A poor bedraggled figure strangely attired wetter than an otter in a washing machine and hitching .

    一个 满身 泥泞的,倒霉催的黑影,穿着怪异,淋得比一只洗衣机里的水獭还要湿。

  • A passerby in Melbourne Australia certainly did offering an Aussie dollar to the bedraggled man crouching by the stage door of the Comedy Theatre in 2010 .

    澳大利亚墨尔本的一个路人确实 施舍一些钱。那是2010年, 这个 衣衫褴褛的乞丐蜷缩在喜剧剧院后台入口, 便给了他一澳元。

  • When they got down to the shore that looked towards Doorn they found a little village and a long-boat on the beach and lying a little further out a dirty bedraggled looking ship .

    当他们来到同多恩岛隔海相望的岸边,看见海滨有个小村子和一条长划子,过去一点,还停着一条肮脏 不堪的大船。

  • Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears dirty disheveled and bedraggled with a nasty cut on his chin .

    突然,门猛然开了,时间旅行家出现。他十分肮脏, 衣冠不整,满身是 ,下巴颏被严重划伤。

  • At first Dino Reardon thought the bedraggled bird running towards him at his home in Skipton North Yorkshire was a stray .

    一开始,李尔顿以为 只朝他在北约克夏史基普顿家中飞来、脏兮兮的小鸟迷了路。

  • Miss thompson 's door was open and they saw her in a bedraggled dressing-gown cooking something in a chafing-dish .

    汤姆逊小姐的门开着,她们俩看见她穿着一件 邋遢的睡衣,在用暖锅炒菜。

  • A street of bedraggled tenements ; a broken-down fence ; a ramshackle old pier ; a tumble-down shack .


  • A few bedraggled passengers stood in the rain waiting for the train .

    浑身 湿透的乘客站在雨中等候列车。

  • With a shy smile and a retiring manner Liu Deshun has the slightly bedraggled appearance of an ageing professor .

    腼腆的微笑,拘谨的举止,老教授那种略显 邋遢的外表,这就是刘德顺。

  • As the Queen stepped on the shore the ship broke out the royal flag . The women lost no time in starting back bedraggled as drowned rats .

    女王登上岸时,这艘轮船 扬起了皇家旗帜。

  • Vietnam tapped global markets for $ 750m in 2005 but back then it was a hot emerging market not another bedraggled casualty of a global crisis .

    越南2005年曾在全球市场筹资7.5亿美元,但当时它是一个炙手可热的新兴市场,而不是另一个 可怜的全球危机受害者。

  • But he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him .

    店员 浑身 泥水 样子不肯接待他。

  • As Beckham walked slowly off with his hair uncharacteristically bedraggled his mother Sandra also wiped away a tear in the stands .

    随着贝克汉姆慢慢地走开,他的头发 一反常态 凌乱,他的母亲桑德拉在看台上还擦了擦眼泪。

  • The tents looked very bedraggled after the storm .

    暴风雨过后帐篷又 湿

  • The bedraggled little dog timidly wagged his tail and began licking mother 's hand .


  • Bedraggled appearance clothes hair


  • The geraniums in the flower bed looked bedraggled from the heavy rain .

    花坛里的天竺葵 大雨浇得 七零八落