


  • A : My grandmother is bedridden .

    我祖母 久病

  • She 'd been bedridden for more than a month and just as Edward bent down to kiss her cheek another coughing fit took her .

    她已经 因病 卧床不起超过一个月了,当爱德华弯下腰来吻她的面颊时,她又开始咳嗽起来。

  • Objective To explore the psycho-social status of hospitalized bedridden elderly patients so as to prevent or decrease the bedridden state of elderly patients after illness .

    目的探讨住院老年患者 卧床不起的心理社会因素,以预防或减少住院老年患者患病后的卧床不起。

  • Having diabetes doesn 't mean you are bedridden for the rest of your life .

    有糖尿病,并不意味着你是 长期 卧床休息,为您的生活。

  • His mother was forced to take over all the farm work besides caring for her bedridden husband .

    母亲不得不担起所有田里的劳作,还要照顾 卧病 的丈夫。

  • He is half the time bedridden .

    他一半时间 缠绵 病榻

  • With two children bedridden the mother was ill at ease .

    两个孩子病得 上,母亲非常焦急。

  • Before he became bedridden he decided to go to Hawaii and enjoy his time in luxury .

    在他 卧床不起之前,他决定到夏威夷去,高高兴兴地度过他已不多的时光。

  • Unless you are living the experience you are speculating and you have no clue what it is like to be the bedridden child or their caregivers .

    除非你有亲身经历,否则你不会了解 卧床不起的孩子和他们的照顾者有怎样的 处境

  • But now he was bedridden in bedlam because he was be-fooled to eat beeswax and beetles .

    但现在,他却在精神病院 卧床不起,因为他被人愚弄而吃了蜂蜡和甲虫。

  • Association between Changes of Lower Limbs Deep Venous Hemodynamic Parameters and Occurrence of Thrombosis in Elderly Bedridden Patients

    老年 卧床患者下肢深静脉血流动力学改变与血栓形成的关系

  • He 's bedridden throughout the year with a lingering obstinate disease .

    身患疾病, 常年 卧病

  • It is especially common in old people who are bedridden .

    这在 卧床的老年人中尤为常见。

  • Bedridden patients are often given exercises to help prevent their muscles from becoming stiff .


  • A shallow vessel used by a bedridden patient for defecation and urination .

    用于 卧床不起的病人撒尿和通便用的浅的容器。

  • He got out of the window . I thought you said he was bedridden .

    他是 自己从窗户爬出来的你不是说他下 不了

  • A chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it ( as in bedridden patients ) .

    由于长时间的挤压而导致的慢性 溃疡

  • Though a bedridden invalid she remains optimistic about life .

    她虽是 缠绵 病榻的人,但对生活依然抱乐观态度。

  • Objective : With the emancipation of anti-bedsore cushion bedridden patients in orthopedic care effect .

    目的:探讨防褥疮气垫配合翻身在骨科 卧床患者中的护理效果。

  • Previous research found that those who were bound to wheelchairs or were bedridden developed abnormal muscle and fat growth in areas of the body where more pressure was placed .

    先前的研究发现,那些受轮椅束缚或者 卧病不起的人,会在身体受压更大的部位,出现肌肉发育不良的情况,并且增长脂肪。

  • Since you will be bedridden for the next few weeks I thought you might like some books to read .

    因为你还要在 上待上几个星期,所以我想你可能想看一些书。

  • And the various other external goods of life they can 't & because they 're bedridden they can no longer accomplish things perhaps their family has abandoned them .

    而生活中其他美好的事情,他们得到不,因为他们 卧床不起,他们无法再有所成就,也许他们的家人已经放弃他们了。

  • If you have no experience are you willing to take care of elderly bedridden or disabled person ?

    如你没有经验,你是否愿意照顾长者、残障人士及? 病人

  • Impact of family nursing intervention on family function and the activities of daily living of elderly bedridden patients

    家庭护理干预对老年 卧床患者家庭功能和日常生活能力的影响

  • Japan for example remains bedridden almost 20 years after its meltdown . For this crisis to be over so soon investors have to believe that the initial collapse was exaggerated and that the old world was not so sick after all .

    比如说日本, 上次 崩塌 过后近20年,日本经济一直 萎靡不振。如果这场危机如此迅速地 句号,投资者们便不得不相信最初对衰退的描述是夸大其辞,而过去的那个世界终究没有那么病入膏肓。

  • Some people might be bedridden and some people might be up walking around .

    有些可能是 卧床不起,也有爱四处跑的。

  • People who are bedridden can easily get pneumonia .

    长期 卧床的人易患肺炎。