third normal form

[θə:d ˈnɔrməl fɔrm][θɜ:d ˈnɔ:məl fɔ:m]


  • An Algorithm for Decomposing Relational Model into Third Normal Form

    一种关系模式的 范式分解算法

  • Most experts would suggest that designers strive to follow the first three rules so that the data is said to be in third normal form .

    大多数专家都会建议设计者尽量遵从前三条规则,由此得到的数据就可以说是 符合第 范式

  • The main purpose of this Paper is to prove that an improved third normal form ( I3NF ) can be obtained after removing the superfluous attributes from the third normal form .

    本文主要工作是证明在 3NF中消去冗余属性后成为改进的 范式(I3NF)是可行的。

  • The database strictly accord with the third normal form ( 3NF ) to ensure the database structure reasonable .

    该数据库严格遵守第 范式3NF),保证数据库结构合理。

  • Finally the MAPLE symbolic program for calculating the third order normal form is given . The concrete normal form of six dimensional nonlinear systems is obtained .

    最后用MAPLE符号算法语言编写计算程序,给出了六维非线性系统的 规范 的具体形式。

  • An improved adjoint operator method is employed to compute the third order normal form of six dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems and the associated nonlinear transformation for the first time .

    本文首次用一种改进的共轭算子法研究了六维非线性系统的 规范 以及所用的非线性变换。

  • There are 3NF ( third Normal Form ) scheme and star scheme for data warehouse dimensional modeling .

    数据仓库维度建模有 范式( 3NF)和星型2种模式,3NF模型适用于地调数据仓库中心建模;

  • Third we discuss the nature ( the direction and stability of bifurcation ) of Hopf bifurcation using center manifold and normal form theory .

    再次,利用中心流形理论和 规范 方法讨论了Hopf分支性质(分支方向和分支周期解的稳定性)。

  • First an improved adjoint operator method is briefly introduced . Then a general six dimensional nonlinear system is analyzed to drive the formula of computing the third order normal form .

    首先简要介绍了这种改进的共轭算子法,然后通过一般形式的六维非线性系统推导出了计算 规范 的公式。

  • Third Order Analytical Solution of Power System Dynamic Model Based on Normal Form

    基于 Normal Form理论的电力系统 3阶解析解

  • Data redundancy and later increasement will bring performance issues to the database . So in order to avoid the problems the database models should meet the requirements of the third normal form . And it is needed to create some suitable indexes and stored procedures .

    在对数据库建模时,为了尽可能的避免数据冗余以及后期数据量增大带来的数据库性能问题,使数据库模型满足 范式的要求,并创建适当的索引和存储过程。