


  • Improvement of the Process for Base Zinc Salt of Dioctyl Thiophosphate

    硫磷 辛基碱性锌盐 生产工艺的改进

  • Performances and Applications of Thiophosphate Amine as Antiwear Additive

    硫代 磷酸酯胺盐抗磨剂的性能及应用

  • Studies on the hydrolysis mechanism of thiophosphate by ~ ( 31 ) p NMR

    用~(31)pNMR研究 硫代 磷酸酯水解反应历程

  • The results show that the process of the degradation of ZDDP can be divided into two steps and dithiophosphate as well as thiophosphate are formed first and finally is phosphate .

    研究结果表明,ZDDP的氧化降解,首先是形成硫代 磷酸酯以及 硫代磷酸盐,其最终氧化降解产物是磷酸酯(盐)。

  • As a antiwear additive thiophosphate amine has performances in EP / AW hydrolysis and thermal stabilities .

    硫代 磷酸酯 胺盐具有 的热 氧化安定性、极压抗磨性、水解 安定性,是一种性能 全面的抗磨添加剂。