things mixed

[法] 混合物

  • Main part or ingredient to which other things are added a mixture of gases ( mostly methane ) that form in coal mines and become explosive when mixed with air .

    煤矿中形成的一种气体 混合物(主要成分是甲烷),与空气 混合后具有爆炸性。

  • One day to spice things up Mr Gygax turned a plastic dinosaur into a dragon and mixed in wizards and trolls among the men-at-arms .

    有一天,为了调节一下气氛,吉 盖克斯把一只塑料恐龙演绎为一只真龙,并 加入了在重骑兵队伍中游荡的巫师和巨怪。

  • With so many things mixed up it 's hard to make out what 's what .

    许多 问题 在一起,闹不清楚。

  • Buddhism thoughts of universal love and encouraging people to do good and Confucian thoughts of love for living things and people were highly mixed together in Du Fu 's thoughts in his later years .

    佛教的博爱、劝善思想与儒家的 民胞物与仁民爱物思想在杜甫晚年思想中得到高度的 融合

  • The souls of men when they are free and out of the hold of the body can sense and see things that they could not so long as they are mixed with the body .

    当人的灵魂从身体的束缚解脱出来,就能看见以前与身体捆在 一起时他们所无法看见的 东西

  • An accumulation of miscellaneous things . mixed oxide ( fuel )

    混合成团 杂物的堆积 混合氧化物(燃料)

  • At that time with the new things and the new thoughts emerging unceasingly the phenomenon that many new and old concepts as well as the new and the old things mutually mixed appeared .

    新事物、新思想不断出现,社会上产生了许多新旧概念与新旧 事物互相 的现象。

  • These things have been mixed up with each other .

    这些 事情现在被 混合在一起。

  • Cole admits he 's desperate to make a go of things in L4 despite a mixed start to his Liverpool career .

    科尔承认,他极为渴望在安 菲路创下一 事业,虽然他在利物浦的生涯有着个祸福 参半的开端。

  • It is a nice mix of good things captured on film sort of like comedy mixed with drama and it is real .

    那算是喜剧 混合正剧用摄像机抓拍的很好的混合,而且都是真实的。