They are stirring huge pots of rice and thin vegetable soup over a fire made of charcoal .
他们搅动着架在木炭火堆上的大罐米饭和蔬菜 清汤。
His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin .
他的妻子和他 同甘共苦,对他坚贞不渝。
James 's face was thin finely boned and sensitive .
詹姆斯面部 瘦削,轮廓分明,容易过敏。
He was a tall thin man with grey hair
他是个 瘦高个,头发灰白。
Her gown was thin and she shivered partly from cold .
她的礼服很 薄,浑身在发抖,一半是冻的。
It would have been better to have thinned the trees over several winters rather than all at one time
当初要是 分几个冬天 疏 剪树木,会比一下子 疏 剪完效果好。
He had a thin aquiline nose and deep-set brown eyes .
他长着 窄长的鹰钩鼻和深陷的褐色眼睛。
She 'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin .
她和鲍勃 患难与共。
Her thin voice rose high in complaint .
她抱怨时抬高了 尖细的嗓音。
Even if the optimists ' theory is true it still seems a thin argument against reform .
就算乐观主义者的理论是对的,还是不 足以阻止改革的进行。
The soup was thin and clear yet mysteriously rich
汤又 稀又清,味道却出奇地浓。
A thin cable carries the signal to a computer
一 根 细电缆将信号传送给一台计算机。
I looked at his thin face with its almost transparent skin .
我看着他 清瘦的脸,脸上肌肤几近透明。
It may be necessary to thin the sauce slightly
可能有必要将酱汁稍稍 稀释一下。
She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun .
她把一头 稀疏的浅黄色头发向后梳,挽成了个圆髻。
All she could manage was a thin wan smile .
她极力挤出了 一丝勉强的苦笑。
There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic .
对公众进行教育和制造恐慌倾向之间没有明显的 分界。
He is small and very thin and has pale-white skin .
他个头 瘦小,肤色苍白。
I 'm tall and thin and he 's short and fat .
我又高又 瘦,他又矮又胖。
His hair is thinning and his skin has lost all hint of youth .
他的头发 开始 脱落,皮肤也老化了。
However the evidence is thin and to some extent ambiguous
然而,这个证据 难以令人 信服,而且有点模棱两可。
The crowd which had been thin for the first half of the race had now grown considerably .
比赛前半段观众还 稀稀拉拉的,这时明显增多了。
They discovered how to form the image in a thin layer on the surface .
他们发现了如何在表面 薄薄的一层上形成影像。
Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis and public patience is wearing thin .
议会还没有着手应对日益严重的经济危机,公众日渐失去了 耐心。
Aspirin thins the blood letting it flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels .
阿司匹林 可以 稀释血液,使其在变窄的血管里更顺畅地流动。
It was crazy of you to go skating on such thin ice .
到这样 薄的冰上溜冰,你真是疯了。
A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind
一件 薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。
This gruel is too thin .
粥太 稀了。
By midnight the crowd had thinned .
半夜时分,人群渐渐 散去 了。
A thin layer of topsoil was swept away .