think little of

[θɪŋk ˈlɪtl ʌv][θiŋk ˈlitl ɔv]


  • With regard to Chinese anti-dumping people attach importance to foreign anti-dumping to domestic enterprises however they think little of our anti-dumping to foreign enterprises .

    对于涉及中国的反倾销争端人们对国内企业面临的国外反倾销指控比较重视,却 国对外实施反倾销问题关注 较少

  • Don 't think little of the combinations of pictures and words they 're not justed put together but formed after a series of complex work .

    可不要 小看那么 图文组合,它们可不是随便任意拼凑出来的,而是经过一系列复杂的工作产生的。

  • The Low-rent house has been constructed just as the visual project in a short time by some local authorities who think little of system construction .

    部分地方仅把建一批廉租住房作为短期的形象工程,不 重视制度建设;

  • I think there 's a little bit of intestines up here .

    那儿还有一 她的肠子。

  • We think that there is little possibility of occurrence of strong earthquakes ( 7 ) and put forward that the flexural scarp of fault and nappe wedge are inherent in dip slip faults and they can be considered as a diagnostics of dip slip seismic fault .

    本文首次提出断层挠曲 和推覆楔是 滑型地震断层所特有的,可作为倾滑型地震的鉴别标志。

  • I think he 's going to be there this season . I think he 's under a little bit of pressure just now from the fans .

    我相信这个赛季他会这么做的。我 相信他现在受到了球迷的 一些点压力了。

  • Which also I think gets into a little bit of our current idea .


  • It was a fierce blow not only to my pride but also to my heart that the one who was as the center of the world to me could think so little of his satellite .

    对于我来说,没有比 世界之中心对于我不 任何希望这个事实更令人沮丧的事情了,我的骄傲和我的心一时间双双受挫。

  • But I think for anybody who wants to think a little bit out of box what counts is the chance to try something and I guess that 's what I 'm most grateful for in my career .

    但我 觉得只要你想要,打破陈规 思考问题,你最好能尝试做 一些事情,所以我在事业中最为感恩的。

  • I think reading a little of him perhaps And so on .


  • Judging by their attitude it seems they think very little of our plan .

    从他们的态度上判断,他们好像 几乎 没有 考虑我们的计划。

  • Well I think brian 's a little out of your league .

    哦,我 配不上布莱恩。

  • I think it was a little of both and hence my jealousy .

    认为两者都有一 ,因此我会妒忌。

  • You crazy think your little bit of rhymes can play me ?

    你们疯了, 认为你们写 点词就能跟我玩吗?

  • I think I had a little streak of rebelliousness too .

    我身上有那么一 反叛的色彩。

  • Think not so little of me that you cannot be honest about the risks we are taking she said .

    “我们谈话的时候你完全不 考虑 肯诚实的告诉我这些风险,”她说。

  • As far as consuming factors are concerned they think much of price but think little of brand and security factors .

    在使用性需求方面,上海市居民对住房的需求偏好具有自身的特点:他们更重视住房价格,而 品牌、保安等因素关注 相对 较少

  • This happens to all of us sometimes and we think little of it .

    我们所有人都可能遇到过这个问题,但我们 很少思考

  • I used to think that little pieces of my heart were breaking off while I watched Noah destroy himself .

    眼看着诺亚在毁掉自己,我曾 ,我的心也随之 块块破碎。

  • To be very frank I think you have very little chance of getting the job .

    坦白地说,我 认为你获得这项工作的机会 微乎其微

  • The second group of ladies think it is little derogatory of her to say that and one of them even drop tears .

    第二组女士 认为这位顾客的说法 礼貌,有一位甚至落下了眼泪。

  • However in Hunan Province many enterprises there are so deeply affected by planned economic system they think little of competition with weak consciousness of brand they simply hold brand assets as the popularity it .

    而湖南许多企业由于仍然受计划经济体制的阴影笼罩,缺乏竞争 观念,品牌观念不全面,把品牌资产仅仅看作是品牌的知名度,品牌意识淡薄,导致品牌难上档次,知名品牌 缺少

  • To be perfectly frank with you I think your son has little chance of passing the exam .

    说实在的,我 认为你儿子这次考试及格的希望 不大

  • Even astronomers used to think little of intergalactic space .

    即使是天文学家过去也 很少 想到星系际空间。

  • I think there is little probability of his succeed in the enterprise


  • I think they need a little scoop of Bo on top .

    觉得他们需要尝一 点点波的味道。

  • But maybe the reason we think so little of changing ourselves for good is not because the task is difficult but because it 's impossible .

    我们 甚少 想到改变自己,原因可能不是因为这是十分艰难,而是因为我们根本无法做得到。

  • As the precondition and requirement of project schedule risk management we must enhance the important work to identify and analyse the schedule risks at first . However the domestic telecommunication enterprises sometimes think little of the schedule risk management of the R & D project .

    而作为项目进度风险管理的前提和必要条件,加强项目进度风险的识别和分析工作 显得非常重要。

  • I gave him some good advice but he think little of it .

    我给他提了些好的建议,但他 根本 理会