thinking machine

[ˈθɪŋkɪŋ məˈʃin][ˈθiŋkiŋ məˈʃi:n]


  • Thinking with imagery ( intuitive ) and pattern recognition by man machine cooperation

    形象(直感) 思维 人机结合的模式识别

  • In order to explore other types of shield machine to adapt and broaden their thinking saving the cost of the project buy different products shield machine construction came into being .

    为了探究其他同类型盾构机的适应情况及开阔 思路、节约工程成本,选购不同产品的盾构 施工就应运而生。

  • How to Use Computer-related Teaching Thinking Robot man machine interrelation

    如何在计算机相关教学中采用 机器人 思考

  • Thinking of Transforming Filter for Spinning Machine

    纺丝过滤器改造后的 思考

  • This is especially true if you are thinking of buying a Windows Vista machine .

    如果你在 考虑购买一台WindowsVista 电脑,时间就显得尤其重要。

  • When I started thinking about them w_2293 as a reliable and fault tolerant state machine I really started to see the potential for BPM frameworks .

    当我开始把它们当作一个可靠的和容错的状态 思考的时候,我开始真正意识到BPM框架的潜力。

  • That sounds exactly like the thinking of the machine to me !

    在我听来完全是 机器 思考 模式

  • Thinking Machines produced WAIS servers which ran on their massively parallel CM-2 ( connection machine ) and SPARC-based CM-5 MP supercomputers .

    思维机器产生智力服务器然就其大规模并行厘米-2(连接 ),以及基于SPARC厘米-5国会议员超级计算机。

  • Obviously in here can 't owe above fee appearance 1 month or 2 customers of month definitions are for cheating the customer but a customer for can thinking that quilt compulsory dismantling machine just cheats the customer really .

    显然在这里不能把上述欠费状态中1个月或2个月的用户定义为欺诈用户,而只能 认为被强制 拆机的用户才是真正的欺诈用户。

  • He is thinking how to operate the machine .

    我正在 考虑操纵这 机器

  • It explains vista on straight line motor be applied to CNC combination machine tool and traditional machining way supply thinking to manufacture NC machine tool .

    以筒型直线-旋转混合型异步电机钻动力头和组合刀具的应用实例,说明了直线电机在 CNC组合 机床上的应用前景。

  • New Thinking Designing Large Mining and Excavating Machinery and Supporting Machine at Abroad

    国外大型采掘和支护 机械的设计新 思路

  • The system uses the method of generating representation in diagnosis knowledge representation which is intuitive and accords with thinking habits of human thus facilitating developing the inference machine .

    系统在诊断知识的表示中,采用产生式表示法,这种方法表示较直观,符合人的 思维习惯,便于构造推理

  • The thinking of state machine in hardware design is adopted in the serial communication program ; it makes the serial communication program be simple in structure real-time .

    串行通信程序采用了硬件设计中的状态 思想,使通信程序结构清晰、实时性强。

  • The thinking for purchasing a digital X - ray machine

    数字X线摄影 设备选购若干问题的 思考

  • From view of needs directing against the bottle necked problem exists in enterprise and based on CIMS thinking this paper puts forth a model of MIS / EDS system integration for aggregate machine tool industry .

    从需求分析出发,针对企业存在的瓶颈问题,根据CIM 思想提出了组合 机床行业MIS/EDS系统集成的模型。

  • The main causes of misdiagnosis of ICT on CT were atypical CT features cognitive insufficiency and halfhearted observation to CT features improper scanning methods errors of diagnostic thinking and CT machine factors and so on .

    病变征象不典型、对病变CT征象认识不足和观察不仔细、检查方法不当、诊断 思维错误、 机器因素等是造成CT误诊颅内肿瘤的主要原因。

  • The designed thinking of a complex CNC surface grinding machine for turbine cylinder is narrated briefly .

    概述了数控汽轮机缸体表面打磨 的设计 思想

  • Science fiction movies and novels often portrayed AI taking the form of a thinking machine embodied as a humanoid robot .

    科幻电影和科幻小说经常会把人工智能描述为具有一个具有 思考 能力 机器形式的似人机器人。

  • If a computer could fool a person into thinking that he were interacting with another person rather than a machine then it could be classified as having artificial intelligence .

    如果一台电脑能够迷惑一个人,让他 以为正在和另一个人交流而不是一台 机器,那么我们就可以认为这台电脑拥有人工智能。

  • This paper discusses creative thinking and machine thinking and how to improve consciousness and thinking in the teaching activities to foster students creativity ability .

    如何在该课程多学科背景、多 技术交叉、知识更新速度 极快的前提下,提高教学效果、培养学生的实践能力和创造性 思维是值得关注的问题。

  • My current thinking is that it doesn 't really make sense to create your own virtual machine from scratch .

    我现在的 想法是没必要从头构建一个新的虚拟

  • Thinking about the Engineering to Realize NC Machine Tools in China

    对我国 机床数控化推进工程的 思考

  • This paper applies the theory and method of cognitive psychology to analyse the laws of thinking of human beings in machine design . It tries to use the information processing theory to explain the complicated human acti - Vities in machine design .

    本文应用认识心理学的理论和方法,剖析了人类专家进行 机械 零件设计的 思维规律,提出了用 思维的信息加工理论来解释复杂的人类设计活动。

  • Through analysis of digital X-ray imaging chain and imaging quality evaluation this paper presents the thinking for purchasing a digital X-ray machine and choosing its technical parameters and functions .

    本文通过数字X线摄影 设备成像链的分析及影像质量评价,提出了 DR设备选购应注意的问题和相应技术指标及功能选择。

  • Thinking computation : hominine machine intelligence based on logic inference and image inference

    基于逻辑推理和表象推理的类人 机器智能& 思维计算

  • Firstly the CCD driver timing program was designed based on the thinking of state machine by VHDL language . The simulation results show that each timing signal could satisfy the need of Array CCD .

    首先利用VHDL语言,采用状态 思想进行了CCD驱动时序的设计,仿真结果表明,所设计的驱动时序发生器产生的各个驱动时序信号完全满足面阵CCD的需要。

  • The paper introduces the new thinking and properties of new superlarge sized hydraulic excavator large rock cutting machine trench excavator and special supporting machine developed by Japan and Germany analyzes the something that our country can make use of .

    介绍了日本、德国新开发的超大型液压挖掘机、大型岩石切削 、挖沟机和支护专用机的设计新 思路和性能特点,分析了可供我国借鉴之处。

  • Among these research thinking the cooperation in the mission process is considered in the research thinking based on co-evolution mechanism which can solve more general machine learning adaptive oneself and the cooperation between individual each other .

    其中基于协进化机制的研究 思路考虑了多传感器执行任务过程中的协调,能够解决更一般的 机器学习、自适应以及个体之间协同问题,受到了越来越多的研究学者的 重视