


  • Determination of molybdenum content for compound fertilizers & Thiocyanate spectrophotometric method

    GB/T14540.1-1993复混肥料中钼的测定方法 氰酸 分光光度法

  • The content of NaCl in soda ash is determined by colourimetry of mercury thiocyanate .

    作者采用 氰酸汞比色法测定纯碱中氯化钠的含量。

  • Determination of Iodine in Edible Salt Added Potassium Iodate by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry determination of chromate iodide sulfite thiocyanate and thiosulfate

    加碘酸钾食盐中碘含量的紫外分光光度法测定铬酸盐、碘化物、亚硫酸盐、 氰酸 和硫代硫酸酯的测定

  • Cassel yellow ( lead oxychloride ) Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide & The ferric thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of chlorine content

    氯化铝黄(氯氧化铅)GB/T6609.15-1986氧化铝化学分析方法 氰酸铁光度法测定氯量

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of trace wolfram in aqueous solution with thiocyanate and crystal violet

    在增溶剂存在下 氰酸 -结晶紫光度法测定微量钨

  • So for example let 's look at thiocyanate ion we have c s and n.

    比如,让我们来看一下 氰酸 离子,我们有碳,硫和氮。

  • Study on thiocyanate ion selective electrode modified by sol-gel technique

    溶胶-凝胶法修饰的 氰酸 离子选择性电极( ISE)的研究

  • Investigation of Thiocyanate Biological Limits in Urine of Healthy Population in Shenzhen City

    深圳市健康人群尿中 氰酸 生物限值的探讨

  • Objective To develop an HPLC method for the assay of sinapine thiocyanate in Semen Sinapis Albae of different processed products .

    目的建立白芥子不同炮制品中芥子碱 氰酸 含量测定方法。

  • Spectrophotometric determination of thiocyanate content in wastewater

    分光光度法检测废水中的 氰酸 含量

  • Experimental Research on Leaching of Gold and Silver from Industrial Residues by Thiocyanate Process

    氰酸 法从工业废渣中浸取金银的实验研究

  • Methods for chemical analysis of bismuth Determination of chlorine content Distillation-mercuric thiocyanate photometric method

    GB/T8220.8-1998铋化学分析方法蒸馏& 氰酸汞分光光度法测定氯量

  • The behaviors of cyanide and thiocyanate on copper electrode were studied using cyclic voltammetry and in-situ FTIR spectroelectrochemistry .

    本文用循环伏安法和现场红外光谱方法研究了铜电极上CN~-和 SCN~-的电化学行为。

  • Dry surface-modification and filling performance of waste residue salt sludge from chlor-alkali industry Experimental Research on Leaching of Gold and Silver from Industrial Residues by Thiocyanate Process

    氯碱废渣盐泥的干法表面改性与填充性能研究 氰酸 法从工业废渣中浸取金银的实验研究

  • Dihydrocodeine thiocyanate copolymerization of carbon disulfide and cyclohexene oxide with a double-metal cyanide complex catalyst

    二氢可待因 氰酸 -钴双金属氰化络合物催化二硫化碳与氧化环己烯共聚研究

  • Measurement of Crystallization Metastable Zone Width of Ammonium Thiocyanate with Laser Scattering Method

    激光法测定 氰酸铵结晶介稳区宽度

  • Uncertainty Evaluation of Hydrogen Chloride in the Workplace by Mercury Thiocyanate Spectrophotometry

    氰酸汞分光光度法检测工作场所 空气中氯化氢的不确定度评定

  • Brief Introduction the process principles and operation that recovery in Daqing Petrochemical acrylic sodium thiocyanate from wastewater .

    简要介绍了大庆石化腈纶厂回收污水中 氰酸钠的工艺流程、原理及操作。

  • OBJECTIVE To develop a method for the determination of erythromycin thiocyanate and its related substances by RP-HPLC and investigate the influence factors on chromatographic parameters .

    目的建立一种适用于 氰酸红霉素相关物质分析及主组分含量测定的 质控分析方法。

  • The research is enclosed the reaction between ammonia and carbon disulfide in the synthesis of ammonium thiocyanate .

    论文研究是围绕以二硫化碳和氨为原料合成硫 氰酸铵的反应过程进行的。

  • Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium & The thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of tungsten content

    GB/T3654.9-1983铌铁化学分析方法 氰酸 光度法测定钨量

  • Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Method for the Determination of Trace Amounts of Molybdenum with Thiocyanate basic Triphenylmethane Dye Systems

    共振瑞利散射法测定 氰酸 -碱性三苯甲烷染料体系中的痕量钼

  • Determination of Total Iron Content by Potassium Thiocyanate Colorimetry with Tween 20 as Cosolvent

    测定水中总铁的含量以吐温20作助溶剂的 硫氰酸钾比色法

  • The biological treatment in the SBR led to removal efficiencies of85 % COD 98 % thiocyanate and99 % phenols for HRT of115 h.

    当水力停留时间为115小时时,SBR法中生物处理方法使得COD的去除率达到85%, 氰酸 去除率达到98%和酚类物质的去除率达到99%。

  • Biodegradation of thiocyanate and inhibitory interaction with phenol ammonia in coking wastewater

    焦化废水中 氰化物的生物降解及其与苯酚、氨氮的交互影响

  • Determination of thiocyanate in urine with isonicotinic acid-pyrazolone spectrophotometric method

    分光光度法测定尿中 氰酸 的异烟酸-吡唑酮

  • The antioxidant properties of five multimethoxyl flavonoids from citrus peel were determined respectively by ferric thiocyanate method and phospholipids peroxidantion in liposome .

    通过体外抗氧化实验对柑 橘皮中五种多甲氧基黄酮单体的抗氧化功能进行研究。

  • A method for the mercury thiocyanate spectrophotometric determination of chlorine in ore samples was reported in this paper .

    岩石样品经 氧化 - 碳酸 烧结预处理,用水浸取后澄清,取清液用 氰酸汞间接分光光度法进行氯的测定。

  • Chemical reagent Sodium thiocyanate

    GB/T1268-1998化学试剂 氰酸

  • Detection of chloride in drinking water with mercury thiocyanate spectrophotometry

    生活饮用水氯化物 氰酸汞分光光度测定法