third stage of labor

[θə:d stedʒ ʌv ˈlebɚ][θɜ:d steidʒ ɔv ˈleibə]


  • The clinical effect and nursing care of stimulating pharyngeal reflex in the third stage of labor

    刺激咽喉反射在第 中临床应用效果观察

  • In 85 % of the puerperas the third stage of labor takes about 10 minutes ( average 6.94 minutes ) .

    约85%的产妇第 均在10min以内结束,平均 694min

  • Results The risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage included abortion history the number of parturition fetus weight delivery manner the time of third stage of labor and complication of pregnancy .

    结果流产史、分娩次数、胎儿体重、分娩方式、第 时间及妊娠并发症是引起产后出血的高危因素;

  • Methods The TUNEL method and the electron microscopy was used to detect apoptosis in placentas and fetal membranes which were taken from the third trimester pregnant women in different stage of labor .

    【方法】采用TUNEL法和电镜法检测 妊娠晚期不同 的胎盘、胎膜组织中的细胞凋亡情况。

  • Objective To investigate the physiologic course of third stage of labor and to judge the optimal time of natural placental separation permitted .

    目的探讨 中胎盘剥离的生理过程和适宜时间。

  • Objective To observe the mode of placenta separation by dynamic ultrasonographic imaging during the third stage of labor and help manage postpartum hemorrhage .

    目的在第 中应用动态超声图像观察胎盘剥离方式,及时处理产后出血。

  • The hemorrhage rate caused by the extension of the third stage of labor was 40.00 % ( 22 / 55 ) while the control group 16.22 % ( 36 / 220 ) .

    程延长致产后出血发生率为40.00%( 22/55),与对照组16.22%(36/220)相比有显著差异。

  • Study on the effect of third stage of labor through different channels of injection of oxytocin

    不同途径注射催产素对 的影响

  • The statistics of the third stage of labor and the postpartum bleeding amount is made so as to evaluate and analyse the effect .

    统计 3 时间和产后出血量,进行效果评价与分析。

  • The placenta is now redundant and in the third stage of labor it detaches from the uterine wall and follows the baby 's out through the vagina .

    胎盘已经没有用,在 分娩 阶段它就从子宫壁上分离下来,跟着孩子一起穿过阴道。

  • It suggests that placental blood collection not only provide vital blood sources but also decrease postpartum blood lossing and shorten the course of the third stage of labor .
