thumb index

[θʌm ˈɪnˌdɛks][θʌm ˈindeks]


  • Methods : The origin and distribution of major arteries of thumb and index finger were observed and analyzed on78 hand cast specimens .

    方法:在78例手部动脉铸型标本上观察 拇指示指主要动脉的来源。

  • Thumb Reconstruction in Transposition of Residual Index Finger in Severely Burned Hand

    烧伤残存 示指移位 再造 拇指

  • Rule of thumb : always choose low glycemic index foods with good carb .

    经验 法则:总是选择低血糖 指数食品具有良好碳水化合物。

  • Objective To introduce the clinical application of reconstructing the thumb and index finger with combined transfer of big toe wrap-around flap and the second toe .

    目的介绍(足母)甲瓣和第二趾联合移植再造 示指的临床应用。

  • Thumb reconstruction with dorsal index - middle finger island flap

    人手 食指 运动学建模 2、3指背联合岛状皮瓣瓦 修复、 再造 拇指

  • Use the stylet to place the ventricular with thumb and index finger on the top of the catheter and insert into the ventricle .

    使用管心针来放置导管,用 拇指 食指握住导管顶端,并插入脑室。

  • Forearm Retrograde Island Flap Lobule Grafting for Repair of Third Degree Electric Burn in the Parts between the Thumb and the Index Finger and Other Fingers at the Early Stage

    前臂逆行岛状皮瓣分叶移植早期修复 虎口伴多指Ⅲ度电烧伤

  • The correct way of using the chopsticks requires concerted efforts of the thumb index finger middle finger and third finger .

    使用时须 依靠 拇指食指、中指和无名指的连贯配合。

  • Say when you 're at the front of C prime your thumb points to the right your index points up because that 's where the surface is and then your middle finger will point out .

    你在曲线C的前端,你的 拇指指向右边,你给 出来了,因为那就是这个表面所在,然后你的中指就会指出。

  • The lamellated corpuscle in dermis of the thumb index ring and small finger was first formed at the 12th week of gestation .

    出现较早的是在第12周龄 拇指食指、无名指与小指的真皮深层内。

  • The suspect told police he was riding his bicycle when he lost control and rolled down an embankment and onto railroad tracks just as a train was passing by losing a thumb on one hand and an index finger and a pinky on the other .

    疑犯向警方声称自己骑自行车时失控,冲过铁路路基,摔在了铁轨上,正巧当时一辆火车经过,轧断了他一只手 拇指和中指,还有另一只手的小拇指。

  • Press beside the acupuncture point with the nail of the thumb or the index finger of the left hand and keep the needle tip closely to the nail and then insert the needle point the point .

    ①指切进针法:左手 拇指 食指尖切按在穴位旁边,右手持针,针尖紧靠指甲刺入腧穴。

  • The gesture for OK making a circle with one 's thumb and index finger has different meanings in different cultures .

    表示OK的手势,即用 拇指 食指做个圆圈,在不同的文化中也有不同的含义。

  • The manipulator was consist of three modular fingers ( thumb index finger middle finger ) with each finger has three degrees of freedom and therefore the manipulator has total of nine degrees of freedom .

    该机械手有三个手指( 拇指食指、中指),手指采用模块化设计,每个手指有3个自由度,总共有9个自由度。

  • They thought : The meal which with the thumb the index finger the middle finger scoop up is most delicious any knife and fork chopsticks cannot substitute .

    他们认为:用 拇指食指、中指撮出来的饭菜最可口,任何刀叉筷不可替代。

  • He says his right thumb pressed against his index finger in a pose of clintonesque determination .

    他表示,他用右手的 大拇指顶着 食指,做出克林顿式的果决的姿势。

  • This makes it easier to snap with your thumb and index finger .

    它可以使你的 拇指 食指很容易的接触。

  • Attach the clip to an earlobe or the web of skin between thumb and index finger .

    将此夹夹在某个耳垂或 拇指 食指之间的皮肤上。

  • The specific method is : use both hands lightly and hold the testicles on the upper part of the thumb index and middle fingers on the bottom .

    具体方法是:用两手轻轻捏住睾丸, 拇指放在上部, 食指和中指放在下部。

  • Objective : To group arteries of thumb and index finger according to their blood supply and provide anatomic basis for hand surgery .

    目的:对 拇指示指的血供来源进行分型,为手外科提供解剖学基础。

  • Hold the top one between the thumb and the middle and index fingers as you hold a pen .

    拇指及中 像拿着笔写字一样的姿势夹住在上方。 拇指 下方夹住另一 筷子放在第四只手指上面。

  • Analysis of 320 cases of the neighbor finger 's skin repair terminal defect of thumb and index finger

    邻指皮瓣修复 拇指 食指指端缺损320例分析

  • The thumb index and middle fingers of the preferred hand showed significantly shorter MT than other fingers ;


  • He used the thumb and index finger right hand gently holds fishing line .

    他用右手的 大拇指 食指轻轻捏着钓丝。

  • Acute radiation ulcers were present on the skin of the left knee and on the skin of the thumb index finger and middle finger of the right hand .

    左膝、 右手 拇指食指、中指皮肤示急性放射性溃疡。

  • The thumb ferrule is set outside the ferrule of index finger on the backplate with steel wires .

    拇指套圈通过钢丝安装在掌背护板的 食指套圈外侧;

  • Degloving injury of the distal segment of the thumb treated with dorsally reversed skin flap of the index finger and advancing ventral skin flap of the thumb

    食指背侧翻转皮瓣和拇指掌侧前移皮瓣修复 拇指末节脱套伤

  • Objective To introduce the results of repairing the pulp defects of thumb index and middle fingers by 6 kinds of flaps which carry sensory nerves .

    目的介绍6种含感觉神经皮瓣修复 、中指指腹缺损的手术方法及临床效果。

  • First place one chopstick on the third finger and clip it with the thumb ; then clip the other between the index finger and the middle finger .

    首先要将一只筷子放在第三根手指上,然后用 大拇指夹住它;然后将另一根筷子夹在 食指与中指之间。

  • On the basis of low permeability gas reservoir capacity equation and the production system analysis using thumb rule mining gas index nodal analysis and considering the critical liquid carrying flow method to determine horizontal wells reasonably working system of the Jingbian field .

    在对低渗透气藏产能方程和生产系统分析的基础上,采用 经验法、采气 指数 、节点分析法以及考虑临界携液流量法对靖边气田水平井进行了合理的配产。