


  • It is beneficial to improve the overall level of domestic female hammer throw that the hammer throw spinning and delivery technique of domestic female elite hammer thrower is analyzed and diagnosed .

    分析与诊断我国优秀女子 链球 运动员的旋转及 最后用力技术,对提高我国女子链球运动的整体水平具有重要的意义。

  • Bionics Investigation on Key Parts of Wheel Type Ordered Rice Seedling Thrower

    轮式水稻 关键部件仿生研究

  • By using the method of close shot dynamic photograph this paper makes three-dimensional analysis on space-time of shoulder hip discus and center of gravity of our elite female discus thrower in rotational discus throwing technique .

    运用近景动态立体摄像的方法,对我国优秀女子 运动员 完成旋转掷 铁饼技术时的肩、髋、铁饼及人体重心的时空特征进行了三维分析。

  • By using the methods of high-speed photograph photographic analysis and comparative analysis it made a comparative analysis of the kinetic parameters related to the throwing steps of CHEN Qi first-class javelin thrower of our country .

    采用高速摄像、录像解析及比较分析方法,对我国优秀 标枪 运动员 陈奇投掷步相关运动学参数进行比较分析。

  • The act of throwing is the motion of the thrower that transfers momentum from the player to the disc and results in a throw .

    扔盘动作之的是 把动力转移到飞盘为了扔盘的动作。

  • The rules for javelin are more complex and specific than most people think . For example the shoes of the thrower are limited to a certain range of thickness .

    标枪比赛规则比大多数人认为的 重复多,具体 多,就 鞋底的厚度也有一定有限制。

  • On the other side will be an image of an ancient Greek statue of a discus thrower .

    另一面则是一个古希腊掷 铁饼 雕塑的图像。

  • Land rescue : be used as stretcher thrower by police army and fire fighter for flood snow disaster high building or mountain stream .

    陆用救援:适用民用、警用、军用、消防、洪灾、雪灾,高楼或 山涧等求援 场合 伤员 救助

  • They invented different kinds of fishing nets also a curiously shaped piece of wood for hunting which could be thrown and which would return to the thrower if it did not strike anything .

    他们发明了各种各样的渔网,还发明了一种用木头制成的形状奇特的捕猎器,这种捕猎器可以投掷 出去,如果没有击中目标,它又会回到 投掷 手中来。

  • No one knew he was the mysterious thrower of the chicken breast .

    没人知道他就是那个神秘的 鸡胸脯的人。

  • Also a javelin thrower of some note she prefers to concentrate on the shot but she did set a has a personal best of53.94m with the javelin in Cangzhou in2007 .

    值得注意的是, 巩立娇同时还是一个标枪选手,不过她表示更愿意在铅球上花更多精力,不过2007年在沧州巩立娇曾经创造过标枪个人最好成绩―53.94米。

  • I could buy a mine thrower for that price .

    这价钱我都买 起地雷 发射器了。

  • Importance of Strength Training on Performance of Hammer Thrower

    试析力量训练对 链球 运动员 运动成绩的重要性

  • ( Australian ) a curved piece of wood ; when properly thrown will return to thrower .

    (澳大利亚)一种弯曲的木条;用适当的方法投掷时将回到 投掷 手中

  • This paper fully describes the filling process and introduces the structure performances and operation principle of ModeI PC-1 thrower .

    本文全面地介绍了碎石混凝土 抛掷充填工艺,并阐述了PC-1 抛掷 的结构、性能和工作原理。

  • Besides the thrower should have good balance especially during the rotation of the body .

    还有, 投掷 运动员应有较好的平衡能力,特别是身体旋转时。

  • Well the Flame Thrower is just what you 've been waiting for !

    那么,“火焰 喷射 正是你一直在等待的东西!

  • Analysis of the technical moves of ZHANG Wen-xiu as an excellent female hammer thrower He is a gentle man has a fine countenance and a charming voice .

    女子 链球优秀运动员张文秀技术动作分析他是个温文尔雅的人,生得眉清目秀,谈话的声音非常悦耳。

  • Modal analysis and experiment research of the vibration transportation mechanism of ordered rice seedling thrower

    有序 抛秧振动输送机构的模态分析与试验研究

  • All I can say is I am still playing it and it is cool with the zombies flame thrower bazooka and bayonet action .

    我只能说我仍然是打它,它是凉的僵尸,火焰 喷射 ,火箭筒和刺刀的行动。

  • In order to get the projectile initial velocity and range in different working conditions the trajectory of line thrower is simulated initial velocity formula and the projectile flight path are obtained .

    为确定不同工况下的弹体抛射初速度及射程,对 弹道进行了仿真,获得到了初速度关系式和弹体飞行轨迹。

  • For the fourth consecutive season Beckett has raised his victory total and has become a smart pitcher not just a hothead thrower .

    连续四季,贝基特拉高他的胜投数并成为一个智慧 的投手,不是急躁 投球的人。

  • The flame thrower was our most effective weapon .

    火焰 投射 是我们最有效的武器。

  • In order to improve the range and accuracy of line thrower the structure design and drag reduction optimization of projectile is carried on .

    为提高 射程和精准度,对弹体进行了结构设计及减阻优化。

  • Italian hammer thrower Clarissa Claretti form continues to improve with experience in top class international competition since she finished eighth at the2002 European Championships held in Munich .

    意大利 链球 运动员克拉丽莎·卡瑞迪不断提高着自己的实力,也不断的积累着经验。

  • Increase siege damage from Glaive Thrower .

    增加投刃车的 攻城伤害。

  • Well there 'd better not be ! I 'd hate to have to torch one with my flame thrower !

    好,最好下面真的没有 怪物!我可不愿意用我的火焰 投射 烧伤哪一个!

  • Graphic are good especially when you use the flame thrower .

    图形是好的,特别是当您使用火焰 喷射