thunder against

[ˈθʌndɚ əˈɡenst][ˈθʌndə əˈɡenst]


  • After the imperial security escort is slain by a mysterious traveling swordsman known only as the thunder sword the escort 's two orphaned children develop their sword skills in the hopes of taking revenge against the thunder sword .

    自从皇家侍卫被一个人称 剑的神秘云游剑客杀掉之后,这名侍卫留下的两个孤儿拼命练剑希望能 雷剑复仇。

  • The thunder shell pulls the Rabeprazole and the aluminum carbonic acid magnesium short dates to cure 12 clinics of intestinal ulcer to check against the research

    贝拉唑与 铝碳酸镁短期治疗十二指肠溃疡的临床研究

  • The Thunder Activities in Pu'an and The Precautions against Them

    普安的 雷暴活动与 防雷

  • But that day the LORD thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites .

    当日,耶和华大 雷声,惊乱非 利士人,他们就败在以色列人面前。

  • The ceaseless thunder of the surf against the rocks ;

    海浪不断 拍打礁石的 隆隆

  • The remote thunder monitoring system can reduce the losses of thunders by monitoring thunder alarms remotely which main function is similar with automatic alarm systems of fireproofing or guard against theft .

    雷电防护装置远程监测系统的主要功能类似防火、 防盗等方面的自动报警系统,通过远程监测 雷电警情能够有效减少雷电造成的各种损失。

  • Shouted the Queen in a voice of thunder and people began running about in all directions tumbling up against each other ;

    王后 雷鸣 地喊了一声,人们就朝各个方向跑开了,撞来 去的,一两分钟后总算都站好了自己的位置。

  • And then the thunder of the panzer columns starting engines and rolling off eastward against the enemy .

    于是装甲纵队的发动机 响起雷鸣 吼声,朝着东方, 敌人滚滚而去。

  • This paper discusses the electromagnetic compatibility problem ( EMC ) of fast transient electric pulse train caused by frequent start of electrical equipment and thunder discharge of electrical equipment and the EMC standard against transient pulse train is also given in the paper .

    讨论了由于飞机上的电气设备频繁启停、 雷电放电等引起的电快速瞬变脉冲群的电磁兼容(EMC)问题,给出了 抵抗瞬变脉冲群的电磁兼容标准。