threshold operation

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈθreʃhəuld ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]


  • A logic element that performs a threshold operation .

    能够进行 开端 操作的逻辑元件。

  • According to different generator operation protect threshold is reinstalled adapting to each operation circumstance to make protect has self-adaptation .

    根据发电机不同运行 工况,重新设置与之相适应保护 门槛 ,使保护具有自适应性能。

  • Simulation results show that using CGA to find optimal threshold can save more operation time than GA and improve convergence probability .

    实验结果表明,与遗传算法相比,混沌遗传算法用于 阈值寻优减少了 运算时间,提高了收敛率。

  • As soon as the mouse moves beyond the three-pixel threshold the program can confidently change the operation to a drag .

    鼠标移动一旦超过3个像素的 阈值,程序就变为拖动 操作,如图19-10所示。

  • For higher extraction efficiency and low threshold operation to the quasi-three level laser system the Tm Ho ∶ YLF crystal is cooled by liquid nitrogen reserved in a small detector type dewar and works at the temperature of 77 K.

    为降低准三能级系统 激光器 阈值,提高激光脉冲能量抽取效率,Tm,Ho∶YLF晶体采用液氮制冷方式,工作在77K温度条件下。

  • Using a simple chaotic system and another chaotic system based on linear system with a piecewise linear state feedback we put the two sequences through threshold function and XOR operation . The result we get is an unpredictable pseudo-random sequence .

    通过把简单混沌系统与线性系统、分段线性状态反馈函数所形成的混沌系统在 阈值化后进行异或 运算,使得输出的密钥流为不可预测性的伪随机序列。

  • The improvement in Ostu algorithm is represented in two aspects : establishing evaluation rules of segmentation threshold and accelerating the algorithm 's operation .

    对最大类间方差法的改进主要表现在两个方面:建立 阈值的评价准则和提高算法的 运行速度。

  • Via the threshold operation on wavelet packet transform of images Gauss color noise can be better filtered yet there is usually many impulse noise in the images .

    通过对图像的子波包变换进行 阈值 操作,可以较好地滤除高斯白噪声,但图像中往往还含有脉冲噪声,运用中值滤波可以有效地滤除脉冲噪声。

  • The method based on genetic algorithms and Otsu theory realizes automatic selection of image threshold and reduces the operation .

    文中将遗传算法和Otsu理论进行了有机结合,实现了图像 阈值自动选取,且大大降低了 计算量。

  • The green light with a power of 11.3 mW and an efficiency of 2.3 % was obtained . Laser threshold for self frequency doubling operation is measured to be 1 mW .

    获得 113mW的自倍频绿光输出,光光转换效率为23%,自倍频腔 阈值为1mW。

  • Background subtraction is a commonly used moving objects detection method it subtracts the background model which is stored beforehand or observed in time from the current frame by threshold operation getting moving objects .

    减背景技术是一种常用的运动对象检测方法,其基本思想是将视频中当前帧图象与事先存储的或实时得到的背景模型相减,通过 阈值 操作,得出运动区域。

  • After segmenting the image by a threshold open operation is used to smooth image .

    在对图像进行 化后,利用不明显改变焦块信息面积的 开运算进一步去造。

  • Threshold intensity had no significant difference . Operation Pattern and Information Intensity

    强度变化不明显。 运营模式与信息强度

  • This paper proposes a sharing scheme of the ( t n ) threshold secret based on the matrix operation over a finite field and analyses its security the information rate .

    文章提出了一个基于有限域上矩阵 运算的(t,n) 门限秘密共享方案,并对该方案的安全性和信息率进行了分析。

  • After the threshold operation morphologic operation and connected region area measurement are introduced to solve the background disturbance problem .

    背景 操作后,用形态学方法和检测连通域面积进行后处理,消除噪声和背景扰动带来的影响;

  • Using strong weak threshold edge detection method and morphology operation the spray morphology can be determined accurately and conveniently . The characteristic parameters of the spray such as spray cone angle and penetration can be calculated through the spray outline .

    利用强、弱两个 阈值的边缘检测方法和形态学 操作,快速、方便、准确地确定喷雾的边界,并由喷雾的边缘轮廓计算出喷雾特性的各种特征参数。

  • The Threshold Condition of Self-Pulsing Operation for Two-Photon Lasers

    双光子激光器自脉冲 运转 阈值条件

  • A threshold operation in which each operand is 0 or 1 ; output is 1 if and only if more than half the operands have the value 1 .

    每个操作数只能取或的一种 阈值 操作;当且仅当超过一半的操作数取值为时结果值为。

  • Low threshold operation in a semi-concentric resonator was obtained .

    采用准半共心腔获得低 阈值 运转

  • This paper analyzes threshold priority 's operation and establishes a mathematic model with the theory of queue .

    该文运用了排队理论对 门限优先的 业务进行了分析,建立了数学模型。

  • The slight pressure injury simulated by Instron texture instrument could be detected through the Otsu threshold segmentation expansion operation and boundary extraction and the corner detection of the fruit image .

    对于采用万能试验机模拟的轻微压伤,通过Otsu 阈值分割、膨胀 操作并提取边界的图像处理方法,最后对水果边界进行角点检测。

  • Under Windows circumstance and by use of Visual C + + 6.0 program language the wavelet packet filtering algorithm with soft threshold operation is realized .

    在Windows环境下,采用Visualc++6.0编程实现了小波包软 阈值 算法

  • Based on this analysis a threshold constrained dynamic sleep mode operation scheme ( TC scheme for short ) is put forward .

    在此基础上,首先提出了一种由 门限约束的动态休眠模式 控制方案(TC方案)。

  • This paper introduces an image processing method that different from traditional image area segment . This method performs threshold operation to binary image for getting image area segment .

    介绍了一种与传统的图像区域分割方法不同的图像处理方法,这种方法通过对二值图像进行各种 阈值 运算来实现图像区域的分割。

  • The NMOS and PMOS threshold voltages can be optimized for operation at low supply voltage because of the near mid-gap work function of TiN gates .

    由于TiN栅具有中间禁带功函数,在低的 工作电压下,NMOS和PMOS的 阈值电压都得到了优化。

  • The rate equation was solved to analyze the influence of upconversion effect to the output power slope efficiency and threshold power in CW operation and the pulse energy pulse width and peak power in Q-switched operation .

    通过速率方程的求解模拟分析了上转换效应对连续 运转Ho激光器输出功率、斜率效率和 阈值功率的影响以及对调Q运转Ho激光器单脉冲能量、脉冲宽度和峰值功率的影响。

  • The vibration sensibility of hard disk driver ( HDD ) is introduced after analyzing the damage mechanism of HDD due to vibration the threshold in instantaneous operation damage criterion of HDD under vibration environment is experimentally determined .

    介绍了计算机硬盘驱动器的振动敏感性,分析了硬盘驱动器在振动环境下失效的机理,通过实验测定了硬盘驱动器振动环境下的短时 工作失效判据中 阈值ww_1179。

  • The results showed that for the hearing function the AP threshold increased in some animals after the operation and the latency of N1 ( 80 dB ) prolonged with the increase of AP threshold .

    结果:在听功能上,造瘘 后一些动物的蜗神经动作电位(AP)出现了不同程度地升高;80dBN1波潜伏期随AP 阈值升高而延长;