


  • Hundreds of tightly rolled newspapers were set aflame among the 50 crowd .

    几百 的报纸在为数5万的人群中被点燃。

  • Crimp the edges to seal them tightly .


  • Screw down the lid fairly tightly

    把盖子 拧紧

  • The child held tightly to its mother 's clothes .

    小孩儿 妈妈的衣服。 小孩儿 妈妈的衣服。

  • We are as tightly bound to the people we dislike as to the people we love

    不管是我们讨厌的人还是喜爱的人都一样和我们 密切相关。

  • Emperor penguins huddled together against the cold are using coordinated waves of movement to stay tightly packed together .

    帝企鹅们挤在一起,通过用协调的摇摆动作 挨在一块来抵抗寒冷的环境。

  • The dagger stuck tightly in the silver scabbard .

    匕首 牢牢 卡在银质刀鞘中。

  • I have a good pair of skates but no matter how tightly I lace them my ankles wobble .

    我有一双不错的溜冰鞋,可是不管我把鞋带系 ,脚脖子那里还是空落落的。

  • He picked up the sheets of paper and balled them tightly in his fists

    他抓起那几张纸,在手里 紧紧攥成团。

  • Seal tightly then leave for four to five days to macerate .


  • He said there were cases where prisoners were tightly bound often for several days .

    他说有时犯人会被 紧紧 捆绑起来,往往一捆就是好几天。

  • He clutched the child tightly as she again tried to wriggle free

    孩子一扭一扭地又想挣脱,他 紧紧地抓住了她

  • He gripped his pistol tightly just in case .


  • I feel suffocated in a tightly closed room .


  • They clasped hands tightly .

    两人 紧紧握手。

  • The problems of Israel Lebanon and the Gulf were tightly interlocked

    以色列、黎巴嫩与海湾的问题一环 一环。

  • He has screwed the lid down so tightly that I can 't get it off .

    他把盖子拧 太紧,我无法打开。

  • I tried to step back but he held my upper arms too tightly .

    我试图往后退,但他将我的上臂 太紧了。

  • Afro hair is short and tightly curled .

    非洲式发型是 浓密的小短卷。

  • My child holds onto my hand tightly while we cross the street .

    横穿马路时,孩子 紧拉着我的手不放。

  • I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck

    我打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更 了。

  • His horse was feeling frisky and he had to hold the reins tightly .

    马儿欢蹦乱跳,他不得不 勒缰绳。

  • People stood packed together tightly .

    人们 拥挤 站在一起。

  • He hangs on tightly his arms around my neck .

    他双臂 着我的脖子不放。

  • This padded jacket is sewn tightly with small stitches .

    这件棉衣针脚做 密实

  • The child clasped the doll tightly .

    小孩 紧抱着洋娃娃。

  • The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in .

    牡马四蹄腾空跳起,想挣脱 紧紧缚住它的缰绳。

  • The sudden height dizzied her and she clung tightly .

    突然上升的高度让她晕头转向,她抓 紧紧的。

  • Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta .

    侍者们端着一 盘盘意大利面在拥挤的餐桌之间自如穿行。

  • He was led in trussed up his hands tightly tied behind his back .

    他被 反剪胳膊,五花大绑牵进了门。