


  • All I got to eat was a tiddly little biscuit .

    我只有 一丁点儿饼干可以吃。

  • Infml all you ate was a tiddly littlepiece of cake .

    你只吃了很小的一块 蛋糕

  • I feel a bit tiddly .

    我觉得稍有 醉意

  • Since the traditional disadvantages of being a tiddly country are disappearing you are just left with the advantages .

    随着 小国的劣势逐渐消失,剩下的就只有优势了。

  • They gave us tiddly little cups of coffee .

    他们给了我们 小的几杯咖啡。

  • Two tiddly biscuits with cheese on ? You can 't call that a proper meal !

    小饼 奶酪?这不能算正经饭吧?